
  1. Question No video coming from composite

    It was working and I decided to clean up my regulator wiring. Now I have no signal. All the voltages are there, there is also 1v8 and 3v3 on the ave rvl chip, but there is no signal. checked with an oscilloscope and saw nothing.
  2. Elen1441

    Solved screen freezes and regulator heats up

    Hi guys, this is my first project. After reading and reading I decided to cut one of my Wii, the process was fun and also the location of the U10. After I mounted some cheap regulators I tried to test them and these were the results. The Wii turns on and I have component video, the USB is...
  3. Question No VGA output on untrimmed Wii

    Hi guys. Unfortunately I'm not getting any video out on my untrimmed Wii. I'm trying to do Aurelio's VGA mod. I enabled it in BBLoader already. I'm using AWG 38 magnet write for some of the lines due to having to solder to vias, and AWG 30 for soldering to pins. My Wii turns on all right...
  4. Omar Elsayed

    Question Can you guys check my materials for making a wii portable?

    GC+ and dual tact mod - bitbuilt store Mini PAM8803 audio amp board - here I want to be able to somehow use a poteniometer on the amp board (Any guides on this?), this is what I want to use - GBA 5-pin potentiometer WiiU gamepad speakers - here 4-pin headphone jacks - here. Should I use 3-pin...
  5. Question Switch type of video output

    Hey, the screen I am using for my trimmed Wii just has a composite input but I would love to have an HDMI output port on my console as well. In contrast, the Wii2HDMI adapter needs component output which I get if I would bridge the 3.3v and mode pins. Is it possible to get both output types at...
  6. Blitz4597

    Question Video board help

    I'm using this screen for my portable wii: 5’’ Inch TFT LCD Car Color Rear... Which this is the first time ive ever done this, but im trying to figure out where i need to solder the magnet wires from here: to somewhere on this board: idk if anyone has worked with a board or screen like...
  7. Ekterm

    Question Video signal capacitors

    Those big capacitors along the side of the GPU that the video signals pass through, can you do without them? I see them left on the standard trim but not on other trims.
  8. Koksi_90

    Solved WII VGA

    Hello Community. You can now use the VGA Mod Patch from @Aurelio
  9. Fruity_Grebbles

    Wii Video Quality Scaler

    What solutions exist for improving the video output quality of the Wii?
  10. Tech Flare

    Question AV Trouble

    Okay so I’m on my second Wii now (I accidentally fried my first one), and I’ve run into some trouble. I opted not to trim my Wii because I’m not very experienced with that type of stuff. So on to the problem: I soldered the “ground” and “composite” wires from the Wii to the “AV2” and “ground”...
  11. Tech Flare

    Question Video Relocation help

    okay, so I've been following along with the wii trimming guide (except for the trimming part), but when I tried soldering the video wires straight to the wii motherboard there was no video output. The screen didn't even recieve a signal! Here are some pictures (above)