
  1. Shock

    Solved Wii Trim - Issue with 1.8v and 3.3v not outputting

    Hey there, I’ve been working on an Ashida and recently trimmed my motherboard and have been having issues getting it to start. Currently, when I try to start the Wii, I feel it getting warm but when I tested it with my multimeter while the Wii was powered on, I was not getting any current from...
  2. LambBrainz

    Solved Short Hunting on an OMGWTF Trim

    Hello! Can anyone give me some more things to try in regards to a few shorts I found? I have a short to ground on the 1.15V line (Continuity mode; One probe on ground screwpost, another on the 1.15V point mentioned here; and I'm getting a beep). This makes some sense because it is fairly close...
  3. MJMT

    Solved Are these parts necessary? Video Capacitor Block

    Hello, I swear I've seen people pull these off of their board trims before but I want to be 100% sure before doing it. Can I remove all the things inside my pretty purple box?
  4. Topper348

    Worklog Topper's Ashida Build

    Hello, I've found this website to be very interesting and I enjoy all the ideas and ingenuity, so I decided to post a worklog of my Ashida build to share yet another build and, of course, have the ability to ask questions and get advice from the more experienced people here. I first saw the...
  5. Chickacruh

    Release Wii Trim Template

    I designed this template to take away any of the uncertainty when trimming the Wii Motherboard. This makes sure the cut lines for a Wii are in the exact same place every single time, and it ensures the trimmed Wii matches the shape in the CAD software so it makes designing things more exact...
  6. Aaron Miller

    OMGWTF Compendium Expansion

    I have found the Compendium, as well as the many guides here on BitBuilt, to be indispensable tools. However, sometimes, especially when I first started, it is somewhat difficult to see how everything fits together, and how to do some of the stuff you may want to do. In response to this, I have...
  7. ruumoo

    Discussion Wii custom motherboard PCB

    I started my Portable Wii project about a year ago and managed to do the OMGWTF-trim successfully, but I never finished the project. Now I was thinking of reviving the project and today on the bus, I got to think , if it could be possible to design a custom motherboard and transplant the...
  8. gnarlynick

    Worklog [Nintendo WiicUbe] Portablized Wii in Wii U Gamepad

    Hello all, After crawling through these forums researching other member's builds and best practices, I plan on building a portable Wii, primarily for GameCube purposes. As an avid video game and horror fan, my all-time favorite game series is Resident Evil and my best memories playing those...
  9. Nold

    Worklog Road to OMEGA [Smexy-/Meme-/Pic-heavy as f***]

    The discord addicted should already have seen a lot of those pics, but i wanted to share them for all ppl on BB :) Also i think it's the best i can do for celebrating my one-hundreds post in this community! Warning: Some of the shown mods are still in a Proof-Of-Concept, so don't try this at...
  10. Möyh Mäyh

    Worklog Möyh Mäyh's trim attempt

    Hello there. I registered just a moment ago. So, I bought a Wii to try OMGWTF on and will most likely turn it into a portable and some kind of dock with GC ports and stuff. Main goal here is ability to play GC games, but I'm planning to keep BT and wifi. Progress so far consists of a succesful...