OMGWTF Compendium Expansion

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Jan 25, 2020
I have found the Compendium, as well as the many guides here on BitBuilt, to be indispensable tools. However, sometimes, especially when I first started, it is somewhat difficult to see how everything fits together, and how to do some of the stuff you may want to do. In response to this, I have created the OMGWTF compendium. I took the full compendium and trimmed it with the OMGWTF trim. I also took every part that can be relocated, as well as any parts that can be hardwired, and I showed how by adding images of those things, labeling the pins, and showing where they connect. Most of the information comes from The Definitive Wii Trimming Guide. This compendium contains:

  • OMGWTF Trim
  • Bluetooth Relocation
  • U10 Relocation
  • Regulator Hardwiring
  • Headphone Jack Hardwiring
  • Speaker Hardwiring
  • VGA Screen Hardwiring + VGA Mod (The screen has a VGA plug attached; in a real screen, refer to documentation to find out which pads/pins are which)
  • USB Port Relocation / USB Hardwiring
  • GameCube Port Relocation / GameCube Controller Hardwiring w/ GC+ 2.0
  • SD Card Slot Relocation / SD Card Hardwiring
  • GameCube Memory Card Port Relocation / GameCube Memory Card Hardwiring
  • MX Chip Relocation
  • WiFi Relocation
  • SYNC (Same layer as Bluetooth) and RESET (Same layer as MX Chip) Hardwiring

You can download the OMGWTF Compendium Expansion NOPE

Note: I highly suggest downloading the compendium to check it out for yourself, as it will help you to much better understand the Wii, which will help you make better portables. I also suggest that you check out The Definitive Wii Trimming Guide, as this is an unofficial extension of that, and it goes into more detail about some components, as well as why you need them / don't need them.

If anyone finds any mistakes, please let me know, and I will do my best to fix them as quickly as possible.

This project has been a labor of love on my part, both for the Wii, and for the community here at BitBuilt. You have all been so supportive and helpful, and I want to give back as much as I can. I am soon going to be releasing LMAO and LMAOv2 versions of this, which shouldn't take too long, considering that much of the relocation and hardwiring is the same.

Thanks goes to:

@ShockSlayer - @cheese - @Shank - @Gman - @JacksonS -- For The Definitive Wii Trimming Guide and all the magic contained therewithin.

@Shank - @bentomo - @Gman - @ShockSlayer - @Nold -- For their work on the original RVK-01 Compendium, one of the simplest, yet most complicated and useful tools for the modern Wii portablizer.

The BitBuilt community, for their continued support, and overall kindness and enthusiasm.

Obviously @Noah -- Without whom BitBuilt itself literally would not exist.


2 and a Half Dollarydoos
Staff member
Feb 5, 2017
Banana Bender Land, Australia
Firstly, no, you don't get to call this a "release". You have made several mistakes, like listing 5v locations on the board that are unused and missing simpler voltage locations in favour of useless vias. You've used a USB 3 image to show a USB 2 pinout, half the layers are full of unneccessary skew dots showing ground locations that aren't worth using, and half the markings you've made on the AVE are off to the point of being in the middle of two pins.

It's not a bad personal resource, and I can see it being useful once it's cleaned up, but it's not good enough as it is. You really should consult the admin team for vetting before putting information and resources up here like this. Not only because misinformation kills systems and we end up having to deal with the fallout, but you're also a new user who hasn't completed a portable yet, you aren't in such a great position to be posting modified guides with no other proof of ability or knowledge. Community contributions are welcomed, but there's a standard to meet and you just aren't there yet. Get some more completed work under your belt, tidy this up a bit and submit it to one of the older admins later for review and maybe this could be a thing.

I'm locking this and necking the links.
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