Hi all, I'm attempting this mod myself on a 79003
I haven't cut the 2nd usb port off yet, so haven't wired in the +5v regulator to the 2nd memory card pins. I'd like to get it all working before cutting anything off permanently...
I've installed free McBoot and OPL. I am using a Samsung 64GB EVO sd card and have wired in the cut down SD adaptor (as per macho nacho)
I can't seem to be able to access any files on the sd card (in mc1
I just put some random text files on there to check if the sd card is ok.
There doesn't look like there is anywhere on OPL to use the 2nd memory card slot (which my SD card is wired into) anywhere?
When I switch the sd card off with the switch and insert a memory card in port 2, it reads just fine.
What am I doing wrong?
Do you need to use the OPL manager to add ISO files to the SD Card first? <I have added a .zso file to the sd card, still no change>
How do you get OPL to use the 2nd Memory card port with SD? <I am using the latest OPL>