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The Waker v2 - Louii Worklog


no wario
Staff member
2020 2nd Place Winner
2022 3rd Place Winner
Dec 16, 2016
The Oregon Wildlands
just so many i am so cool
Over the past 6 or so months, I've put in a lot of time with the original Waker of the Wiind and have been really pleased with how it runs. That being said, it's certainly not perfect, and so since I've got some parts laying around that could use a home I figure I'll revamp the case and tweak some things to turn it into an even better portable. I picked up some handy tips from MGC, and getting to hold a bunch of portables gave me some ideas. Here's what's changing in this revised version:
  • Gman's PMS will replace the WAH08080WAH/red board combo. I really need a low battery indicator, and Gman's PMS will do so much cool stuff for me.
  • Dropping the IR LEDs. I never use them, you never use them, it's time for them to walk the plank. I'll put the Gman PMS LED in their place.
  • Majorly cutting down on the number of custom PCBs used in the portable. After helping to build a G-Wii at MGC, I got some perspective on how unnecessary most of the PCBs I made for the original were. The cost for those adds up quickly, so I'll be replacing most of them with 3D printed parts to mount to.
  • Using Switch face buttons/joysticks instead of 3DS ones. Switch Joysticks because I think I'll like the feel of those better than sliders, and Switch buttons because those are what Madmorda molds and I'm addicted to her buttons.
  • Changing the color scheme to blue and dropping the Wind Waker themed part of it. I don't see any point in using the same theme twice (WaluWiigi excepted), and I'm in a blue sort of mood. I've been trying to come up with a name for this new portable, but Waker has just been the case's name for so long that I don't know that I could come up with anything else.
  • A better cooling system. The old one sucked. Majorly.
  • A better trigger system. The old one sucked. Captainly.
  • A better USB access system. The old one sucked. Commanderly.
  • Thanks in part to the new cooling setup, 4mm of thickness will be shaved off if my measurements are good.
There will be a handful of other changes, but these are the big ones. So far, I've placed orders on most of the other parts that I will need, and have done most of the work to modify the cases. I've acquired a 3D printer recently, so I'm looking forward to being able to crank out prototypes and test pieces quickly and cheaply.
Screenshot (71).png
Screenshot (73).png

My goal is to have this portable all wrapped up before June starts so that I can shift my focus to my contest portable (this one isn't it). Oh, and I'm planning to open source this case and the parts list for it once it's completed, much like the G-Wii is. It may or may not be quite as beginner friendly, but we'll just have to wait and see. Thanks guys!
Sep 27, 2016
Over the past 6 or so months, I've put in a lot of time with the original Waker of the Wiind and have been really pleased with how it runs. That being said, it's certainly not perfect, and so since I've got some parts laying around that could use a home I figure I'll revamp the case and tweak some things to turn it into an even better portable. I picked up some handy tips from MGC, and getting to hold a bunch of portables gave me some ideas. Here's what's changing in this revised version:
  • Gman's PMS will replace the WAH08080WAH/red board combo. I really need a low battery indicator, and Gman's PMS will do so much cool stuff for me.
  • Dropping the IR LEDs. I never use them, you never use them, it's time for them to walk the plank. I'll put the Gman PMS LED in their place.
  • Majorly cutting down on the number of custom PCBs used in the portable. After helping to build a G-Wii at MGC, I got some perspective on how unnecessary most of the PCBs I made for the original were. The cost for those adds up quickly, so I'll be replacing most of them with 3D printed parts to mount to.
  • Using Switch face buttons/joysticks instead of 3DS ones. Switch Joysticks because I think I'll like the feel of those better than sliders, and Switch buttons because those are what Madmorda molds and I'm addicted to her buttons.
  • Changing the color scheme to blue and dropping the Wind Waker themed part of it. I don't see any point in using the same theme twice (WaluWiigi excepted), and I'm in a blue sort of mood. I've been trying to come up with a name for this new portable, but Waker has just been the case's name for so long that I don't know that I could come up with anything else.
  • A better cooling system. The old one sucked. Majorly.
  • A better trigger system. The old one sucked. Captainly.
  • A better USB access system. The old one sucked. Commanderly.
  • Thanks in part to the new cooling setup, 4mm of thickness will be shaved off if my measurements are good.
There will be a handful of other changes, but these are the big ones. So far, I've placed orders on most of the other parts that I will need, and have done most of the work to modify the cases. I've acquired a 3D printer recently, so I'm looking forward to being able to crank out prototypes and test pieces quickly and cheaply.
View attachment 8534 View attachment 8535

My goal is to have this portable all wrapped up before June starts so that I can shift my focus to my contest portable (this one isn't it). Oh, and I'm planning to open source this case and the parts list for it once it's completed, much like the G-Wii is. It may or may not be quite as beginner friendly, but we'll just have to wait and see. Thanks guys!
Looks great so far and looking forward to seeing the final product!


ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Staff member
Mar 3, 2016
If that large rectangular thing is for the PMS, I highly suggest you to replace if with just 4 screwposts. The board gets hot when charging and with direct contact with the case it could warp it.
Aug 14, 2016
Nice man, i really like the design already. Your last portable was already very good and I really like your plans on what you are going to do differently. The 3D model already looks very good. I like the idea of keeping it open source, that is probalby going to help me out a lot. You said you ordered most of the parts right? Will there be a full part list in the end?


no wario
Staff member
2020 2nd Place Winner
2022 3rd Place Winner
Dec 16, 2016
The Oregon Wildlands
just so many i am so cool
If that large rectangular thing is for the PMS, I highly suggest you to replace if with just 4 screwposts. The board gets hot when charging and with direct contact with the case it could warp it.
Ah, that's a really good point. Thanks for reminding me!

Nice man, i really like the design already. Your last portable was already very good and I really like your plans on what you are going to do differently. The 3D model already looks very good. I like the idea of keeping it open source, that is probalby going to help me out a lot. You said you ordered most of the parts right? Will there be a full part list in the end?
I won't guarantee anything at all his point, but that's my hope.


real emulation, no hardware
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2021 1st Place Winner
Jul 16, 2017
5 + 1*π
Last edited:


no wario
Staff member
2020 2nd Place Winner
2022 3rd Place Winner
Dec 16, 2016
The Oregon Wildlands
just so many i am so cool
So my hopes of completing this project by June won't be fulfilled, but I do have the bulk of this project completed as of now.

I trimmed the Wii and it went smoothly aside from a U10 that didn't work until I replaced it. For the original Waker, the trim had to be a maximum OMGWTF trim, but with the redesign I have enough space to only need to cut slightly inside the standard trim lines. No concave cuts are required.

I've also been playing around with the Kingston micro-SD adapter that works with PortablizeMii. I confirmed that the adapter will still work after soldering to it (though I soldered very quickly and carefully, I don't know if it's actually that sensitive), so it should be quite simple to make room for. I designed a nice method of securing it, which does require trimming a bit of fluff off of the end of the adapter, but allows the SD card to remain easily accessible and flush with the case.


I assembled a Gman PMS board, and these are certainly no joke to assemble. I still need to fix the 3.3v regulator, but aside from that I was able to get it all working. Definitely would not recommend assembling one of these as an introduction to SMD soldering, it's quite difficult to get the small ICs to all connect properly to the board. A big thanks to Shank for letting me have his PMS board PCB that he used as a display piece at MGC!


Madmorda molded some sick buttons and sticks for this project. 10/10.


I've spent a decent amount of time working of the CAD for this project, and at this point the back half of the case is essentially complete! I did a test print today and mounted everything inside, and only found a couple of things that I need to tweak.



All the ports and buttons that stick out the bottom of the case are held in place with a combination of friction fit and screws for good measure. I'm doing my best to avoid having to make and buy custom PCBs, and so far 3D printed parts seem to be doing an acceptable job. The only thing in the back half of the case that may require glue is the trigger buttons, and at this point I think I may be able to avoid using glue in the front half entirely.


I've been using this really cool Ice Blue filament for this project so far, but I'm probably going to have a traditional paint job for the final product as I'm not a huge fan of seeing the batteries and cooling setup from the outside of the case.

Speaking of the paint job, I've come up with a final name for this project. As not very evident by the currently crappy Hocotate ship on the fan vent, this portable will be the Louii! I plan to do another artsy thing on the back like the Waker, just because it only takes a few hours and really gives the portable a unique look. I plan to continue focusing on this project, and it should be wrapped up quite soon. The only pieces I'm waiting on now are the shoulder buttons (which are arriving early next week) and my screen.

Thanks to everyone who has helped me troubleshoot things over Discord! I'm looking forward to having this portable completed and being able to shift my focus to the WaluWiigi 2.0.



no wario
Staff member
2020 2nd Place Winner
2022 3rd Place Winner
Dec 16, 2016
The Oregon Wildlands
just so many i am so cool
Casework is complete!

I'm not completely satisfied with how the art on the back turned out, but it'll have to be good enough. The art on the back is my own design and idea though, so I am pretty proud of that. Also, running a google search for "Pikmin Louie art" sounds like a life-changing decision, and not in a good way.

On the workstation, pretty much everything is all wrapped up. I fixed my issues with the PMS, broke it, and fixed it again. I did the last couple of relocations on the Wii, assembled an audio amp, and tested out my new trigger system. I'm really happy with the new trigger system, it works consistently, easily, and feel really nice. It also doesn't require any sort of jank modifying of the triggers, so they definitely won't come out of alignment like the Waker v1's eventually did.

Right now I'm just waiting on the screen from China and for the clear coat on the case to cure before starting assembly. Next update should be one of completion!


no wario
Staff member
2020 2nd Place Winner
2022 3rd Place Winner
Dec 16, 2016
The Oregon Wildlands
just so many i am so cool
I'll DM you. Check the envelope icon at the top of the screen.


Nov 3, 2019
Hey! Would you do one for me? I would like to know the price if so please?


no wario
Staff member
2020 2nd Place Winner
2022 3rd Place Winner
Dec 16, 2016
The Oregon Wildlands
just so many i am so cool
I'll DM you. Check the envelope icon at the top of the screen.
Nov 9, 2019
Where can I get one of the custom PCBs and can I get them with the small parts already soldered on?