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Question Best Batteries for Beginners?

May 2, 2022
Hey all,
I'm very new to the modding scene and would like to try my hand at making a Wii handheld. I am currently making a plan for parts, but am unsure what battery setup I should have. While exploring the forums, I discovered that most use 18650 Li-ion batteries. However, I have heard that these are dangerous and expensive, so not the best for beginners. A google search just came up with controller mods. So, does anyone have a run-down on a beginner-friendly Wii handheld battery setup? I apologize in advance if this has already been asked, but I couldn't seem to find anything - just direct me to a different thread if it has. Help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you all very much,

Edit: Oop, scratch that part about them being expensive... I hadn't actually looked at their prices, just heard that they were costly. My main concern is the, y'know, exploding factor. Advice on how to handle them and hook them up to a protection board safely should be all I need.
Last edited:
Mar 30, 2022
New Hampshire
Hey all,
I'm very new to the modding scene and would like to try my hand at making a Wii handheld. I am currently making a plan for parts, but am unsure what battery setup I should have. While exploring the forums, I discovered that most use 18650 Li-ion batteries. However, I have heard that these are dangerous and expensive, so not the best for beginners. A google search just came up with controller mods. So, does anyone have a run-down on a beginner-friendly Wii handheld battery setup? I apologize in advance if this has already been asked, but I couldn't seem to find anything - just direct me to a different thread if it has. Help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you all very much,

Edit: Oop, scratch that part about them being expensive... I hadn't actually looked at their prices, just heard that they were costly. My main concern is the, y'know, exploding factor. Advice on how to handle them and hook them up to a protection board safely should be all I need.
Common sense, don't puncture them. Get the largest 18650 batteries you can from reputable manufacturers. 18650's aren't too dangerous and are pretty cheap overall, really just don't be stupid with them and you won't explode them. If you want, you can get one of those battery boxes built for them, those work pretty well. If you are planning to use the PMS-Lite (or 2) use a 1s battery system, you can find guides on what that means. If you want to learn more about the regulators, here's a guide: https://bitbuilt.net/forums/index.php?threads/custom-regulators-an-explanation-and-guide.754/

Research, common sense, and caution gets you pretty far.
May 2, 2022
Thank you for the response! I have successfully discovered the "guides" section of this forum, so I should have less trouble now... at least until I start the actual build :D.