I am having issues with my Wii trim turning on. I wired up everything according to the guide and Including the u10 and the Wii will not turn on. I checked the voltages and everything was at 0 including the u10 wire to the PMS Lite, but the continuity for all of the connections are good. The...
This is my second attempt at an Ashida. My last trim worked at first, but this one not so much.
I’m using U10 emulation with the PMS-lite and my voltage line resistances are good. The CPU heats up when the board is powered on.
I cut too close to the audio pre-amp area, but I don’t believe that...
So, a while ago I've decided to make a portable wii, I'm naming it the Portiblii! and I need help with its internals. I'm going to order some 18650 3-6Ah batteries wired in 4P (with internal protection because safety first), a 5" AV display, boost converter and buck converters for the power...
Now I'm sure this is a very dumb question, but where do I solder to relocate motherboard items?
I should probably explain what I'm talking about. I'm trying to trim down a Wii motherboard that I ripped (Carefully took out) out of a Wii, so I've read "The Definitive Wii Trimming Guide" about ten...
I have no clue what I'm doing...
Things I'm going to try to have in the portable:
5" Screen (With a touch panel that acts as the Wiimote pointer)
4 18650 Lithium-ion batteries
buttons from a ds lite and other controllers
3ds slider
3D Printed case
Charge & Play
Internal Wimote
IR leds and GC...
Hey guys,
I decided to continue with the Nintendo Swiitch. If I finish it in time I will post it as a contest entry, but I'm not sure if ill be able to finish it in time.
Also, I created a new thread for this so you can find it without reading trough the entire worklog (if someone else has...