playstaion 2

  1. Question Wires connection

    Hi I´m completely new to moding and electronics, but I got this idea of making my own PS2 portable cuz I don´t have 800 dollars to spare. But something bothers me: I am capable of doing everything myself, I got people who can help me, but how do I connect batteries to motherboard so it recognize...
  2. Talhaman

    Worklog I finally did it (My first PS2 Portable)

    Hello everyone, I wanted to share my PS2 Portable built which i started back September 2020. On the 27th Sep. 2020 I opened a thread which startet this project So what did i do? Let's see: The Case: So i am a lucky and proud owner of a 3D printer and rudimentary CAD skills. I designed the...
  3. DannyRX

    Question an assembly problem

    Greetings people, i hope your good. Today I searched to see if I could give me a hand with this that happened to me about a week ago... my nephew had a PS2 Slim, he take it to repair and also mod it (I'm not sure that's how it's written), to play pirate games, and after 2 months, the guy...
  4. MomSpaghetti

    Worklog PS2 Laptop!

    Hello! Welcome to my PlayStation 2 laptop worklog, The reason behind this particular project is because of the PS2 model i have, SCPH-90004, It has a bigger motherboard than the usual 790001, Beside that, The Composite for some reason really shows a good picture and components cable doesnt work...
  5. Please Help all Modders!!!

    Hi, I am completely new and would like to make a portable ps2 in the style of GmanModz (Youtuber) so I have a fixed plan. I intended to do this with my experienced uncle but unfortunately, he has passed away and I would like to dedicate this to him. I have a 3d printer for the shell but, I have...
  6. MiseriesChild

    Which Portable to make next...

    I need some help deciding which portable to make next so I figured I would reach out to all my fellow modders here to give me some guidance. :) I'm currently working trying to wrap up my first GameCube "Simi" Portable project but have already gotten the parts for some of my next endeavors. I...