Solved VGA mod breaks PortablizeMii Postloader

Oct 6, 2019
Hi all,
I posted this question in the Wii Native VGA thread but after almost a month, i haven't seen any replies. I apologize for the repost but I'm not sure what to do.

When I install the VGA mod the wii looses the ability to go into the postloader.
When I power on the wii, it goes straight into the system menu. If i try to load the postloader from the homebrew screen, I get an error stating that a configuration file is missing.
I've re-run the cheese installer, and after successfully installing it boots into the postloader again and it seems to run fine. Installing the VGA mod again breaks it.
I've done a couple fresh installs of portablizemii and it works fine until I install the VGA mod.

Thanks in advance
Oct 6, 2019
Well I feel like an idiot... the problem was that I was selecting the Priiloader VGA in step 6 instead of postloader because... reasons. Then when I set the autoboot to "installed file", on power up it was loading the priiloader VGA tried to reinstall the VGA mod which reset the autoboot setting. Me not realizing what I was doing just didn't catch on until now...
Once I selected postloader, the wii boots into the PortablizeMii menu just fine.

Thanks for pointing me towards examining my settings...