Very close to finishing this off, probably within the next couple of weeks. My Chinese switch sticks were broken so I’m still waiting on a spare in the mail, but everything is confirmed pretty much working at this point, which makes me very happy!
I made a critical error with my hall sensor circuitry and the voltage divider, basically tying the resistors (top of the divider) to a 5V input instead of the analog output of the hall sensor... woops. Always pays to double check everything... Thanks to robertlong for helping me debug that today. A couple of cut traces with an xacto and bodge magnet wire does the job. (Plus a trimmed hall sensor output leg, lol)
I also had to put aside my LMAO trim as it was just not consistently booting. I think some thermal adhesive got underneath the chips and probably flexed the GPU as it hardened. I was constantly getting 2.8v on the output of the u10 and after replacing it with several others, the issue persisted. I may try reflowing the GPU and salvaging it at a later date. I’ve thrown in an OMEGA trim I had lying around from YveltalGrififn. This has the AVE-relocation performed and also a NAND relocation. The soldering is really well done. It makes my case look huge!! He’s done an excellent job, wouldn’t expect anything less from him! It’s mounted in a similar fashion to how Gman mounts his PS2 and N64 portables, with two little 3D printed tabs. The case is designed for a LMAO trim, but until I receive the NAND flex boards from the store, I can’t really proceed so I thought why not make use of the OMEGA!
Dmcke5 and I worked on the analog trigger code together and set up LUTs for GC+ 2.0, as well as easy scaling parameters that take the min and max ADC values and scale them to a 0-255 range. Both ended up having around 70 points of precision, which isn’t much, but for 2-3mm traveling triggers, who is going to notice? Thanks to Pizza Lord as always for optimizing everything and immediately fixing code issues in like 5 seconds lol
I’ve been having some issues with the code, but considering it’s running GC+ 2.1 firmware currently (which had issues with analog triggers) instead of the latest firmware, that is apparently expected and hopefully will be fixed once I update the code and flash the newer firmware.
Its all coming along very well, though
Analog triggers. They definitely were a hurdle to design around but given space constraints, definitely a great solution I think and still give some control compared to dual tacts