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Question Portable 64 Repair?? Please help!

Apr 26, 2018
Ooof I remember seeing this listing, you can always try to remove all of the wiring and use this machine to learn about portablizing. I wouldn't consider it a lost cause as the components, especially the case, is already made for you. Maybe just need to upgrade the battery to today's standards but it is maybe a weekend job tops.

Edit: Assuming of course nothing is fried, you need to start testing voltages and such as others have stated
Thank you for your words of encouragement, but I know absolutely nothing about this stuff. I would break it if I tried. haha I don't think it's fried, I had it working great at some points of me owning it. Every part of the machine works great! EXCEPT the N64 engine I'm assuming. Battery life sucks too, but I didn't mind too much considering it's age and size.
Apr 26, 2018
I appreciate all of the feedback and considerate advice, thanks guys!

I was obviously upsold on something that doesn't function. I am attempting to return it for a refund, but that could go either way.

If I have to keep it, I accept my loss. I will keep it for the novelty.. in hopes someday I can make it work again.

Will keep in touch with this forum!