Remember MGC 2021? Yeah, it was only 6 months ago due to being off-schedule due to 'rona. That being said, MGC '22 has already came and went.
The event was on 3 floors this year. Felt kind of weird with everything spread out.
Size comparisons
Tesla decided to show up... I guess. Wonder how much money that raked in for Loosen.
T-Mobile van is my favorite new reoccurring MGC character.
We DIDN'T get kicked out this night, and no security guards stole our pizza! Imagine that. Games, drinking, and food ensued.
Portables or something. Someone told me this forum is meant for them.
Bootleg FF?
It's all bloody REM.
@Shank wanted to show off his flashlight party trick
We proved that hackerbilly's ThickBoii still works
@ShockSlayer Oink
Shout out to @Gman 's new toaster
I'm boring and mostly stayed in the room and forgot to take pics so yeah. Share your photos mates. I do have photos of the BenHeck guy's portables if anyone really wants me to upload them.
The event was on 3 floors this year. Felt kind of weird with everything spread out.
Size comparisons
Tesla decided to show up... I guess. Wonder how much money that raked in for Loosen.
T-Mobile van is my favorite new reoccurring MGC character.
We DIDN'T get kicked out this night, and no security guards stole our pizza! Imagine that. Games, drinking, and food ensued.
Portables or something. Someone told me this forum is meant for them.
Bootleg FF?
It's all bloody REM.
@Shank wanted to show off his flashlight party trick
We proved that hackerbilly's ThickBoii still works
@ShockSlayer Oink
Shout out to @Gman 's new toaster
I'm boring and mostly stayed in the room and forgot to take pics so yeah. Share your photos mates. I do have photos of the BenHeck guy's portables if anyone really wants me to upload them.