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Worklog Copii Cat "Louii" Work Log

Feb 20, 2018
Northern Minnesota
So after months of lurking on here I decided it's about time to start a work log of some sorts. I first was interested in portabilizing consoles when I ran into ModdedbyBacteria's N64 portable way back in 2009. After all these years I decided to finally give it a shot but with a wii seeing as I would get more use out of one. Im following GingerOfWahhh-z Louii build for my first time until I get more comfortable with working on these kinds of things. I have purchased all necessary parts as per his BOM and aside from waiting on a replacement driver board (The one sent is not compatible with the screen sent).

I successfully installed PortabilizeMii and relocated the U10 with little issue (aside from destroying the U5 but not the pads) and installing a few games and such to make sure everything was working as it should. I plan to do the Bluetooth and Mx relocation after I get my wii trimmed and working which brings me to that. I have trimmed and sanded my board removing any burrs on the edges and small components hanging off the edges of the board following the trim guide, studying Gingers cut board, and reading other peoples issues with their trims I have concluded that at least I didn't cut and nand traces, there is no continuity between 3.3V, 1.15V has 30.5-8 while my meter beeps, but my 1V has 209.3 while my meter stays quiet. I hooked everything up using the RVL Power management from the store and when I check those it reads 3.29 for 3.3V, 1.09 for 1.15V, and 0.95 for 1V are these enough for a successful boot? In the last picture showing the hook ups I have changed my ground to 22AWG and removed a few parts on the edges as well as change my led light and button wire to 32AWG. I will post more pictures after these with the latest hook ups and voltages. I can feel the CPU and GPU warming up and I wait for close to a minute before I turn it off but I will update once I hook it back up after removing and resanding those parts.
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Feb 20, 2018
Northern Minnesota
I double checked voltages after cleaning the board more and I’m still getting the same as stated above, I checked the ground wire for any breaks since it is solid 22AWG but that checks out too. I’ve read through older posts and through the discord but I’m beginning to think I may have toasted this board. Any suggestions are appreciated!



Staff member
Feb 25, 2016
You wired composite to wrong side of the capacitor :P

When you remove the capacitor and solder to the output side, you have disconnected the signal!
Feb 20, 2018
Northern Minnesota
So a quick update, I have successfully relocated the Bluetooth module on my board.
Those traces were pretty easy to do since I had my digital microscope to verify the mask was removed sufficiently and that I had a solid connection afterwards, otherwise I do not think I would have been as confident as I was during it.
Tue Mar 24 21-53-59.jpg

After that I wired up my USB to the board

and did a test boot to make sure and everything worked perfectly! Next step is the MX relocation which I have all my wires hook up to I just need to attach it to the board and solder it to the vias. My whole project got pushed back now due to the ebay seller sending me the wrong screen/driver board combo twice, but I ordered one through a different vendor so hopefully I will be able to complete this build in a few months time.
As said before I truly appreciate the wealth of knowledge on here and the discord I am thankful to have found such a strong community of hobbyists to be apart of!