PS2Plus code setup analog stics

Nov 5, 2021
Hello everyone!

The problem is the following
I have analog stiks from PSvita, these works incorrectly and I need to setup them, but setup insruction on gidhub doesn't work for me. (it is too long to explain)

Anyway I want to setup them by hands, but I'm afraid to delete something

 * File:   Pins.C
 * Author: Matthew Cranford & Gunnar Turnquist
 * Created on May 24, 2018, 9:15 AM

#include "Controller.h"
#include "Nvm.h"
#include "MAPPING.h"

char AN_temp = 1;
char AN_prev = 1;
char AN_timer = 0;

void readController(char analogMode) {
    //debouncing ANALOG button
    AN_temp = ANALOG_BTN;
    if(AN_temp ^ AN_prev) {
        AN_timer = 0;
    else if(AN_timer < 4) {
    if(AN_timer > 3) AN_btn = AN_temp;
    AN_prev = AN_temp;
    //update array with current inputs
    DigitalControllerByte1[DDown] = DDOWN;
    DigitalControllerByte1[DUp] = DUP;
    DigitalControllerByte1[DLeft] = DLEFT;
    DigitalControllerByte1[DRight] = DRIGHT;
    DigitalControllerByte1[R3] = R3BUTTON;
    DigitalControllerByte1[L3] = L3BUTTON;
    DigitalControllerByte1[Start] = START;
    DigitalControllerByte1[Select] = SELECT;

    DigitalControllerByte2[Square] = SQUARE;
    DigitalControllerByte2[Circle] = CIRCLE;
    DigitalControllerByte2[X] = XBUTTON;
    DigitalControllerByte2[Triangle] = TRIANGLE;
    DigitalControllerByte2[R1] = R1BUTTON;
    DigitalControllerByte2[R2] = R2BUTTON;
    DigitalControllerByte2[L1] = L1BUTTON;
    DigitalControllerByte2[L2] = L2BUTTON;

    //Debounce inputs
    if (index > Select) index = 0;

    //if button is pressed, start timer
    if (!DigitalControllerByte1[index]) IndexDigitalByte1[index]++;
    if (!DigitalControllerByte2[index]) IndexDigitalByte2[index]++;

    //if values don't match, reset count, clear data
    if (DigitalControllerByte1[index] ^ PreviousDigitalByte1[index]) {
        IndexDigitalByte1[index] = 0;
        digitalStateFirst |= 1 << index; //clear data
        if (analogMode >= 1) analogStateFirst[index] = 0x00;
    if (DigitalControllerByte2[index] ^ PreviousDigitalByte2[index]) {
        IndexDigitalByte2[index] = 0;
        digitalStateSecond |= 1 << index; //clear data
        if (analogMode >= 1) analogStateSecond[index] = 0x00;

    //if counter reaches debounce time, button is debounced, set data       
    if (IndexDigitalByte1[index] >= debounceLoops) {
        digitalStateFirst &= ~(1 << index); //set data
        if (analogMode >= 1) analogStateFirst[index] = 0xFF;
    if (IndexDigitalByte2[index] >= debounceLoops) {
        digitalStateSecond &= ~(1 << index); //set data     
        if (analogMode >= 1) analogStateSecond[index] = 0xFF;

    //store prev button states
    PreviousDigitalByte1[index] = DigitalControllerByte1[index];
    PreviousDigitalByte2[index] = DigitalControllerByte2[index];


static char Map(int x, int inMin, int inMax, int outMin, int outMax) {
    // Map a single value onto a different range
    return (((x - inMin) * (outMax - outMin)) / (inMax - inMin)) + outMin;

void lutInit() {

    char lxMin = eepromRead(LX_MIN_EEPROM);
    char lxMax = eepromRead(LX_MAX_EEPROM);
    char lyMin = eepromRead(LY_MIN_EEPROM);
    char lyMax = eepromRead(LY_MAX_EEPROM);

    char rxMin = eepromRead(RX_MIN_EEPROM);
    char rxMax = eepromRead(RX_MAX_EEPROM);
    char ryMin = eepromRead(RY_MIN_EEPROM);
    char ryMax = eepromRead(RY_MAX_EEPROM);

    for (int position = 0; position < 256; position++) {

        //Left Stick X
        if (position < lxMin) {
            lutLX[position] = 0;
        } else if (position > lxMax) {
            lutLX[position] = 255;
        } else {
            lutLX[position] = Map(position, lxMin, lxMax, 0, 255);

        //Left Stick Y
        if (position < lyMin) {
            lutLY[position] = 0;
        } else if (position > lyMax) {
            lutLY[position] = 255;
        } else {
            lutLY[position] = Map(position, lyMin, lyMax, 0, 255);

        //Right Stick X
        if (position < rxMin) {
            lutRX[position] = 0;
        } else if (position > rxMax) {
            lutRX[position] = 255;
        } else {
            lutRX[position] = Map(position, rxMin, rxMax, 0, 255);

        //Right Stick Y
        if (position < ryMin) {
            lutRY[position] = 0;
        } else if (position > ryMax) {
            lutRY[position] = 255;
        } else {
            lutRY[position] = Map(position, ryMin, ryMax, 0, 255);


unsigned int readADC(int channel) {
    ADPCH = channel;
    ADPRE = 0x00;
    ADACQ = 0x3F;

    ADCON0bits.ADGO = 1; //begin ADC
    while (ADCON0bits.ADGO); //wait for conversion to complete

    return ((ADRESH << 6) | (ADRESL >> 2)); //Returns 8-bit result

char reversebyte(char byte) {
    byte = (byte & 0xF0) >> 4 | (byte & 0x0F) << 4;
    byte = (byte & 0xCC) >> 2 | (byte & 0x33) << 2;
    byte = (byte & 0xAA) >> 1 | (byte & 0x55) << 1;

    return byte;

void readControllerAnalog() {

    lxData = reversebyte(lutLX[readADC(LX_ADC_CHAN)]);
    lyData = reversebyte(lutLY[readADC(LY_ADC_CHAN)]);

    rxData = reversebyte(lutRX[readADC(RX_ADC_CHAN)]);
    ryData = reversebyte(lutRY[readADC(RY_ADC_CHAN)]);

void configureController() {

    INTCONbits.GIE = 0; //Turn off interrupts while we configure the controller
    INTCONbits.PEIE = 0;

    char lxMin = readADC(LX_ADC_CHAN);
    char lxMax = readADC(LX_ADC_CHAN);
    char lyMin = readADC(LY_ADC_CHAN);
    char lyMax = readADC(LY_ADC_CHAN);

    char rxMin = readADC(RX_ADC_CHAN);
    char rxMax = readADC(RX_ADC_CHAN);
    char ryMin = readADC(RY_ADC_CHAN);
    char ryMax = readADC(RY_ADC_CHAN);

    char lx;
    char ly;
    char rx;
    char ry;

    //Read analog values and figure out the minimum and maximum values.
    while (1) {

        readController(0); //Only read the digital buttons

        if (digitalStateFirst == 0x7F && digitalStateSecond == 0xCF) { //L1 r1 Select

        lx = readADC(LX_ADC_CHAN);
        ly = readADC(LY_ADC_CHAN);
        rx = readADC(RX_ADC_CHAN);
        ry = readADC(RY_ADC_CHAN);

        //Left Stick
        if (ly > lyMax) lyMax = ly;
        if (ly < lyMin) lyMin = ly;
        if (lx > lxMax) lxMax = lx;
        if (lx < lxMin) lxMin = lx;

        //Right Stick
        if (ry > ryMax) ryMax = ry;
        if (ry < ryMin) ryMin = ry;
        if (rx > rxMax) rxMax = rx;
        if (rx < rxMin) rxMin = rx;       
        if (digitalStateFirst == 0x6F && digitalStateSecond == 0x3F) { //L2 R2 Start Select
            // Set default values
            lxMin = 0;
            lxMax = 255;
            lyMin = 0;
            lyMax = 255;
            rxMin = 0;
            rxMax = 255;
            ryMin = 0;
            ryMax = 255;

    eepromWrite(LX_MIN_EEPROM, lxMin);
    eepromWrite(LX_MAX_EEPROM, lxMax);
    eepromWrite(LY_MIN_EEPROM, lyMin);
    eepromWrite(LY_MAX_EEPROM, lyMax);
    eepromWrite(RX_MIN_EEPROM, rxMin);
    eepromWrite(RX_MAX_EEPROM, rxMax);
    eepromWrite(RY_MIN_EEPROM, ryMin);
    eepromWrite(RY_MAX_EEPROM, ryMax);

    INTCONbits.GIE = 1; //Turn interrupts back on
    INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;
Someone tell me please, where I can to enter parameters without breaking something.