
  1. Francesco6n

    Simple portable PS4

    Hi to all! I'm Francesco6n and I am an italian modder! I'm here to show my project: a simple portable ps4 made from scrap parts :) Here's my github with the story, videos and links: Hope you enjoy :)
  2. Wesk

    Model Dual Shock 4 CUH-ZCT2 Controller Scan

    Dual Shock 4 CUH-ZCT2 Controller Scan Contains: Dual Shock 4 CUH-ZCT2 Controller Front Shell Dual Shock 4 CUH-ZCT2 Controller Rear Shell Dual Shock 4 CUH-ZCT2 Midframe Dual Shock 4 CUH-ZCT2 Touchpad Dual Shock 4 CUH-ZCT2 Controller Trigger Dual Shock 4 CUH-ZCT2 Controller Shoulder button...
  3. PoposPizza

    PS4 Portable?

    Now, I know that this is for "OLD" consoles, but I don't know if this is classified as old. I am planning to make a portable console of some kind, I was going back and forth between ps2 and wii, but then I sold my ps2, so I though I was going to make a wii portable, so I was researching the...
  4. Mumble

    Discussion So PS4's games can apparently run off of USB's soon...

    So, in case you haven't heard, Sony tweeted not too long ago that there will be an update with USB's / External HDD's. If this is really a thing, and since we can already get a PS4 OS running on any HDD by just downloading it off there website...