
  1. cinnamon_path

    Question Noldendo Wii Micro don't boot

    Hello, everyone. I have been in looking in the forum for a few months already and recently decided to start my first project, that is the Wii Micro, using, of couse, a 6 layers board. I went throught all the procedure to jailbreak the console and install the RVload and patch out the WiFi...
  2. Question My first portable wii-problems with the resistance values of the 1.15v voltages

    Hello, I am building my first portable wii, I have read and reread the guides and everything on how to do it to be a little prepared to be able to make my own, and still failing in the attempt, and excuse my English if it seems rude or inappropriate I occupy the Google translator. -Thank you...
  3. Daquantrius Johnson

    Question VGA Screen Trouble

    ey b0is So I bought this screen ( It works to some degree. when there's no signal the backlight is fine. the buttons work, etc. But when I plug in a VGA source (my PC), the screen goes dark...
  4. Tech Flare

    Question AV Trouble

    Okay so I’m on my second Wii now (I accidentally fried my first one), and I’ve run into some trouble. I opted not to trim my Wii because I’m not very experienced with that type of stuff. So on to the problem: I soldered the “ground” and “composite” wires from the Wii to the “AV2” and “ground”...
  5. Question Deleted

  6. JayCantPlay

    Question PSP go Pre project troubleshooting

    Hey everyone, I've made this thread because I've encountered an important and puzzling problem, which to my knowledge no one has experienced before. So, I disassembled my PSP go with great care and, after taking a look around the board, noticed a major problem. The system refused to switch on...