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  1. ApolloVI

    Worklog ApolloVI's Ashida build

    Weird. I bought these less than 2 months ago straight from M&A BD Electronics as recommended on the BOM. They looked brand new and I haven't used them for anything but this. Alright, I'll grab some new ones and dispose of these safely. Thanks!
  2. ApolloVI

    Worklog ApolloVI's Ashida build

    They both say 1.09 with my multimeter set at DCV 20... does that mean they're drained? :P
  3. ApolloVI

    Worklog ApolloVI's Ashida build

    August 24, 2023 Update: I have been trying to fix my power issues (console won't charge and won't power on without power from outlet, console resets itself after being powered on for a couple of minutes and then resets over and over) without any luck. I checked my wiring from the batteries to...
  4. ApolloVI

    Worklog ApolloVI's Ashida build

    August 16, 2023 Update: Real update time! Alright, since my last update a few days ago, I got my LED working at last, and organized my file structure properly so that RVLoader can see my games and I can boot into them. I also trimmed and sanded my MX Chip, and once I squash the major issues...
  5. ApolloVI

    Worklog ApolloVI's Ashida build

    Hello! I'm fairly late into the project I think, but I figured I would start a thread to answer a few questions I had. What's done so far: -All components ordered and received (except for the two little 3D printed buttons for the bottom edge, they were too small to order and I'm seeing if I...
  6. ApolloVI

    Guide Wii Trim Resistances

    Terrific, thank you so much for looking!
  7. ApolloVI

    Guide Wii Trim Resistances

    I've sanded down to 1000 grit twice and these seem to be my consistent results. Are the high 3.3v readings ok or is that an indication of a short somewhere?
  8. ApolloVI

    Board scan Visteon Dockable Entertainment Teardown

    Great work in this thread! I actually do have one of these units and I was curious about a few things. One is the wireless headphones. The original package that came with the console and car dock also came with a pair of wireless IR headphones. These headphones never worked with the standalone...
  9. ApolloVI

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Hello! I have been tinkering with mods on my consoles and handhelds more and more in the last couple of years, and recently I found a Wii for $20 at Goodwill and couldn't resist the little voice in my head telling me to make a Wii portable :XD: so I'm already well underway with putting together...