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  1. DTronics

    Question Desoldering Issues

    So I was trying to desolder the gamecube ports off of my wii with no success can anyone suggest a effective method.(Btw I'm using a soldering iron and a solder sucker)
  2. DTronics

    Question Charging board?

    So I was looking on bangood and came across this power bank charging board I was curious as to whether I can use this like charge and play circuit.
  3. DTronics

    Question Charging board questions

    So I have a few questions about this charging board I was wondering whether it only charges 2 18650 in series or can it charge something like 2s2p 18650 setup? Also is there a way to make a Charging board similar or the same to this.
  4. DTronics

    Question Dremel bits

    So I was wondering what type of dremel bit should I use I have these but I'm not sure if they will work.
  5. DTronics

    Question Safety

    So I'm going to start trimming the Wii Board but I have been a bit hesitant as I've heard that the dust isn't good for your lungs and I was wondering if anyone could recommend some form of safety equipment. Hopefully not too Expensive :)
  6. DTronics

    Question Can I use these as custom regulators?

    So recently I was looking on aliexpress and saw these and I was wondering if i could use them as Custom regulator?