Recent content by cajohnBB

  1. cajohnBB

    RVL-PMS1, U-Amp1, GC+2.0 (non-4Layer version), Screen Control PCBs For Sale

    Hey, I would like to purchase a controller board if you still have them.
  2. cajohnBB

    Worklog My First Portable - Ashida

    Several months ago I saw an Ashida. I was amazed by it and wonder how I had not seen it earlier. After browsing the net I arrived here. I decided to embark on the journey of bulding one since Wesk, along with some other great group of smart people that helped, made it possible for people to...
  3. cajohnBB

    RV Loader Failed to initialize Fat FS!

    I got it working. Wesk pointed out the wiring or my card. I rechecked the wiring and was able to fix it. None issue now.
  4. cajohnBB

    RV Loader Failed to initialize Fat FS!

    Able to work on today. Think Directional buttons are sorted out. The rubber pad seems to need to sit just right. Since I'm still testing it, as long as the other buttons are working fine I'll focus on that when I think that is the last remaining things before I can put the two halves together...
  5. cajohnBB

    RV Loader Failed to initialize Fat FS!

    Lmao, I wished I saw this earlier. But yes I figured it out it was that everything as I went back checking. I'll be glad when I can finally screw the two half together. Thank you with the quick assist.
  6. cajohnBB

    RV Loader Failed to initialize Fat FS!

    Yes I did, I checked the d pads directly against the gc+. I did give it a clean. Tried again later then only up didn't work. I later decided to remove the ffc cable directly and connectors for it thinking possibly something was going on there. I double checked joints and make sure there no...
  7. cajohnBB

    RV Loader Failed to initialize Fat FS!

    Noticed the left, right, and up directions on the directional pad aren't working or registering( Using button tester). Down works fine. That section of pcb was screw snug. I loosen it but only down still works. Rubber pad clean. Using gc oem controller parts and flex cable to connect controller...
  8. cajohnBB

    RV Loader Failed to initialize Fat FS!

    Fixed both issues. Temporarily used the usb c btn and start btn to access the osd. Ran auto config. Shorten wires from scw and sdw to wii board. Untwisted as I had them slightly twisted. Stable now.
  9. cajohnBB

    RV Loader Failed to initialize Fat FS!

    Ok ill have to find a way to open the osd.
  10. cajohnBB

    RV Loader Failed to initialize Fat FS!

    Sorry for the delay. I hadn't much time to work on this for a bit and got back to it. I purchased a SanDisk 256 gb card that was noted on the compatibility post here. I didn't think to look and assumed what I had would work but later found out that my readers were not compatible after I tested...
  11. cajohnBB

    Guide RVLoader USB Compatibility Database

    I recently purchased 2 kingston readers off ebay. I used a 128 gb team group and a 256 Samsung Evo (both from Amazon). I also purchased a SanDisk 256 gb from Amazon. I formatted them all the same and placed the same contents on each. Only the SanDisk drive worked for me unfortunately. I...
  12. cajohnBB

    RV Loader Failed to initialize Fat FS!

    Just long enough to run along the perimeter of trim to the right up (from the connections of the wii usb vias) , then left to usb c pcb. Twisted with a drill. Admittedly, I may have damaged the usb pcb yesterday by accident when I connecting the positive wire to the battery clip on the left...
  13. cajohnBB

    RV Loader Failed to initialize Fat FS!

    I was wrapping up my Ashida portable and I received this message when powering it up. I tried 2 different cards at 256 and 128 gb sizes with fat32 and 32k allocation cluster sizes. I can connect the Ashida to my computer and it recognize and sees the drive. I'm not sure what I'm missing or over...
  14. cajohnBB

    Ashida Blue Driver Board Screen Controls

    Thanks for the info. I take a read into this. I'm about to recheeck the trim to make sure it still boots here soon and hopefully start making the connections for the audio and video. I guess if I encountered this silkscreen issue you have supplied a answer pre-emptively . And yes someone...