Recent content by ackley14

  1. Question Calling all noobs (noob question thread)

    I havn't done it myself but this video shows the process. and im sure you can find out how to make your own vacuum former online with a bit of perferated thick board and a vacuum
  2. Worklog The WiiTop. An Uncreatively named Wii, inside of a laptop shell! (My first Wii portable! :O)

    oh that's awesome!!! I totally didn't know that about PortabilizeMii! Thanks! :D That's going to make things much easier! :O
  3. Worklog The WiiTop. An Uncreatively named Wii, inside of a laptop shell! (My first Wii portable! :O)

    First thing I've done is a test fit of the board inside the laptop housing. In a few weeks, i should have the money to get the batteries as well as the circuitry for them and the screen. After that i'll have to figure out how to trim and reshape the case for the IO ports. Should be a fun...
  4. Worklog The WiiTop. An Uncreatively named Wii, inside of a laptop shell! (My first Wii portable! :O)

    Preface This is my first attempt at really anything 'diy'. I'm looking to make a more portable and accessable Wii. It doesn't need to be hand held, mearly a replacement for my dead laptop. A gaming machine I can take on the go to a friends house or other parts of my house that don't normally...
  5. Question Best Way To make Part of a Case? Using The Majority of a Laptop!

    Will post pics soon. Still waiting on a few things to fall in place before i begin working (need a few extra things that i cant afford) still debating on weather or not to suck it up and just buy a black wii for this rather than using my original wii i got in 2006 when i was a kid XD. (yes i...
  6. Question Best Way To make Part of a Case? Using The Majority of a Laptop!

    So I'm working on a wii laptop! The problem is that the current base plate cover is really not good for what I need. It's got a ton of holes and a big dent for the keyboard to sit in. I'm looking to make something smooth and simple. Any suggestions on how i could modify what i currently have? or...
  7. Question Calling all noobs (noob question thread)

    Cool thanks for the tip!!!! and that would be super useful! I've never done anything with soldering before (despite having had an iron for over a year) so this will be an...experience...for me lol.
  8. Question Calling all noobs (noob question thread)

    New to the modding scene here! Hoping to do my first wii portable build (mostly for gamecube tho lol) Few questions! are there any good guides on non-trimmed RVL-01 builds? I'm looking to make a more bulky hand held (as those are the cards i was dealt lol) And i don't really mind either. Just...