I am looking for a library of models that I want to 3D print a robotic arm. The fewer parts needed the better and I want to make it communicable with a microcontroller.
Updated! The old part was 10 times too small. It is now fixed in the files that end with (- mm). I've also added a file with everyone on a platform. A very small and inexpensive robot. 4 axes plus gripper. Build on 9g micro servo. The robot can be controlled by remote control, Arduino, etc I see...
Updated! The old part was 10 times too small. It is now fixed in the files that end with (- mm). I've also added a file with everyone on a platform. A very small and inexpensive robot. 4 axes plus gripper. Build on 9g micro servo. The robot can be controlled by remote control, Arduino, etc I see...