Recent content by optimusprime

  1. optimusprime

    Don't Buy Custom Portables From China

    @Shank I saw your follow-up comment on Youtube along with the reply by Phoenix Mods and just wanted to add some clarification. There is no "partnership" with anyone. He's a dropshipper who probably buys from TAOBAO using a shipping warehouse that accepts US currency. That's how I bought my...
  2. optimusprime

    Don't Buy Custom Portables From China

    I decided to post this after I saw your comment on a YouTube video about a PS2 portable. It’s pretty bad that some of these portables are really not well made at all, but given the relatively low cost of buying one directly from China it’s not shockingly outrageous. What is outrageous is that...
  3. optimusprime

    Don't Buy Custom Portables From China

    Ok, so here goes. There are probably quite a few lurkers or new members on here who have seen videos of PS2, Wii and Dreamcast portables made in China and sold either on Ali-express or a drop-shipper from the United States. They might even be tempted to buy one for $500-$600 or worse yet $850...
  4. optimusprime

    RVLoader v2.0

    @Aurelio Using GC+ 1.0, the IR pointer seems to not work for me in RVLoader 1.1 but did work in BBloader 1.3. I am able to configure all the buttons but no IR pointer displays in-game. edit: Changing the wii remote sensitivity in the wii settings menu fixed the issue. Unfortunately, Metroid...
  5. optimusprime

    RVLoader v2.0

    Hey, @Aurelio , is there any possibility that RVLoader can allow reconfiguration of game cube controls with GC+1.0?
  6. optimusprime

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Hello! I've been a long time lurker but finally joined.