Recent content by Newbie101

  1. Newbie101

    Question Amiga laptop?

    OG preferably, since more intrigued about all being original. Thought something akin to the ZX Spectrum Omni might be around for it.
  2. Newbie101

    Question Amiga laptop?

    Out of the blue question, but since I'm going through a old PC craze right now, is it possible to portablize a Amiga computer without losing most of it? Probably better off with a 600/1200 for form factor, but still.
  3. Newbie101

    Wii Portable

    Sadly I do not. My online buying habits are very limited. If that gives me a black mark, I fully understand.
  4. Newbie101

    Original Xbox?

    I'm pretty sure I know the answer already, but has anyone ever tried making an original Xbox portable? I see many consoles cut down over time, but nothing ever seems to happen for the system outside one image I've seen floating about. Probably documentation on it is lax to say the least, but...
  5. Newbie101

    Wii Portable

    Hi, first time posting on here. I'm writing to ask if I could commission a portable Wii in a Gameboy case for £800-1000 or so. Why a GB case? Because I really love it on a aesthetic front, and for easy portability. Thanks!
  6. Newbie101

