Recent content by Longshot4300

  1. Longshot4300

    Release GC2Wiimote - beta

    yes can u please add screenshots that would help I'm struggling with this part of your instructions " EMUNAND" (You need to have previously configured the path of the emunand in "Custom paths", ModMii nand path is USB:\nands\PL_US); Go to the USB loader GX channel (without leaving the usb loader...
  2. Longshot4300

    Release GC2Wiimote - beta

    Thanks I'll try this tomorrow I was trying to do this so I can play my wii at my desk hopefully it works
  3. Longshot4300

    Release GC2Wiimote - beta

    Every time I open the homebrew section on my wii I get this message what should I do
  4. Longshot4300

    Release GC2Wiimote - beta

    Do I need to have my wiimote on while playing a game even if I'm using the gamecube controller