Recent content by clippy

  1. Worklog PS2IO - A new loading method based on old knowledge

    good calls, really hope this works
  2. Worklog PS2IO - A new loading method based on old knowledge

    Essentially what he wants to do. The CXD9731 is on board on the scph 7000x boards, which is why the IDE hdd mod works on this specific revision. Seeing how the connector in the previous post is also on other versions of the board (although it seems to have different pinouts depending on...
  3. Worklog Lightning's PS2, years in the making

    What you're looking at is the IOP bus, (aka ssbus I believe) which sends data to DVD+BOOT rom, CD/DVD controller, and HDD/LAN controller as you said. SD0-15 being data lines, and SA0-26 being ADRESS lines (although only up to SA22 seems to be used, and that is connected to a pin that is labeled...