Recent content by Ben_The_Younger

  1. Ben_The_Younger

    Raspberry Pi noob questions thread

    Thanks for the response. I believe my screen takes power directly from the Pi and it looks like it's marketed for the Zero in particular. I've given up on the idea of using smartphone batteries. As convenient as it may be, it's not worth the extra research since I'm such a beginner. I may...
  2. Ben_The_Younger

    Raspberry Pi noob questions thread

    I see that most people use a D-Pad for their handheld Pi systems, but I was hoping to use a Nintendo Switch (joycon) Analogue Stick for directional input and the A button, by clicking it in. Is that possible with retropie? (I'm using a Pi Zero if that's important.) I was hoping to avoid using a...
  3. Ben_The_Younger

    Absolute Beginner Recommendations

    Wow, those are some good tips. Idk where all you people get the patience for us noobs waltzing in here all the time. A mini-console sounds pretty awesome actually. Or maybe a portable, plug-in (mains powered) box that still has a screen, with the GC ports on the front. So many options! I'll...
  4. Ben_The_Younger

    Absolute Beginner Recommendations

    Thanks for the encouragement, it helps. A G-Wii looks like an awesome device, but I imagine it requires lots of cutting down to fit in that tiny housing. I'm scared to relocate NAND or move traces or anything like that, since my finesse with solder is 0. Also, both of my Wiis that I am...
  5. Ben_The_Younger

    Absolute Beginner Recommendations

    Hi everyone, sorry if this is in the wrong place, maybe you can redirect me if this has already been asked 100 times before :) You probably get a lot of people like me, I saw Shank's portables on YouTube and I thought I could try that. My biggest question is: what console do you recommend as...
  6. Ben_The_Younger

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Hey all, Ben here. Completely new to modding. I've taken apart a few Wiis and GBAs, but I'd love to get portablizing as soon as I've learned enough from the people on this forum. Thanks for existing, talk soon!