Solved Retaining Disc Drive with Ps2 79001 Advanced Trim

Oct 3, 2020
(EDIT: I had completly forgotten that it says in the guide that it cannot work, my bad)

Good evening all! I was sketching a schematic of my mobile ps2 when I came to the issue of the memory cards and USB. While contemplating their wiring, I had the thought of using the Disc drive instead.

I can assume that the Idea may be dead from the beginning, since a majority of the board that MAY aide to the driver's functionality are gone.. or that it may take up too much power. But the thought of making a large scale PSP AND have it be capable of reading discs put a smile on my face.

I want to look into it but I also don't want to waste my time if someone else has confirmed that the drive can't work with the advanced trim. So I was wondering if anyone had investigated the idea of the Disc drive working with the PS2 79001 advanced trim?