battery powered

  1. ops400

    Solved How can i run a full wii without a disk drive out of a battery

    Hello I'm very, very, VERY new to making portables, and I planing to make a wii "laptop", it will be a simple thing with a full size wii mother board without a disk drive. Well the point is I will power the system out of a battery and I don't know what battery to chose to power the wii. And if I...
  2. AniMike

    Question Could this be a good battery?

    So I was looking for batteries for my wii portable and I thought, why couldn't I just use the battery from a wii u or some shit, so I found this battery on Amazon that is a supposedly enhanced Wii U battery, so can any of you pros let me know if this is a suitable battery for a portable wii...
  3. Lampenman1

    Question Battery powering a PS2

    Hey, absolute beginner here! I want to build a PS2 portable (from a SCPH-75004), but I have some concerns. I'm looking to slowly work my way into portablizing the console, starting with making it independent from wall power. Now what I need to know is, how would I exactly do this? I know I'd...
  4. Big_Marsh

    Question First Wii Portable: What Battery should I use?

    Hi. This is my first Wii portable and its more like a wii laptop really. I just looking for advice on what battery I should use to power the wii, the screen powers itself so thats taken care of. I've been doing some reading and most people use Li-ion cells to power Wii's but I've never used...
  5. MikaMaslak

    Question Power Control Implementation

    As the key requirement to portiblization is self powering I am at my final problem for my portable build. I'm studying electrical engineering at Penn State so I have at my disposable all the lab equipment here and currently I've been doing any tests for screen, speakers, system, circuitry, etc...
  6. Worklog The WiiTop. An Uncreatively named Wii, inside of a laptop shell! (My first Wii portable! :O)

    Preface This is my first attempt at really anything 'diy'. I'm looking to make a more portable and accessable Wii. It doesn't need to be hand held, mearly a replacement for my dead laptop. A gaming machine I can take on the go to a friends house or other parts of my house that don't normally...