Search results

  1. Question What else do I need for my portable

    I currently have: the switch joysticks, the GC+, the DS buttons, the screen and the screen board, the DS button membranes, button contacts, the cooling kit, the GC pressure contacts, the Switch contact pcbs, a sound amp, The Usb-c/Usb PD pcb, and the power delivery system. I still have other...
  2. Question Case design

    I don't have a 3D printer for easy access, and it would around 2-3 months per print, and I was wondering how much it would cost to have someone design a case for me, and then send me the files.
  3. Question G-Boy case Cad files

    I really like the design of the G-boy, and originally I was going to design my own 3d print for a G-boy/Wiiboy color. However I do not have nearly as much time as I thought I did, so I wont be able to design it for a while, but I'd like to get the case a soon a possible. I would buy a case from...
  4. Question 3D printed case Cad Files

    Has anyone got any Cad files for a 3d printed case that uses the Lmao trim and a 3.5 inch screen? I was planning to design my own case with Fusion 360, however finals are coming up, and I don't have the time to design one.
  5. Question Smallest possible Omgwtf trim

    For my portable I would like to do a Omgwtf trim for the Wii motherboard, however I need a smaller trim, and I don't think I'm skilled enough to do a Lmao or a Lmaov2. Is it possible to make the Omgwtf trim close to the size of a Lmaov2 trim?
  6. Question Button contacts

    Since I'm stupid and I have no idea where I would find the answer, I will ask it here: What are the size of the contacts of the ds lite buttons/ what contacts should I use for the ds lite buttons
  7. Audio amp recomendations

    has anyone got a audio amp to recommend that is relatively cheap (less than $70) and performs well?