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  1. MegaSeaj

    Question Installing Bbloader problem

    Hi everyone Never thought i would get this far in building a portable, but i am nearly complete with my G-boy! I ran into a small problem thought when trying to install BBloader. The Wii was trimmed and already had portablizemii on it, so I searched for forums and put Bbloader on a sd card...
  2. MegaSeaj

    Want to buy a trimmed wii

    Hi I'm looking into investing in a trimmed Wii (G-boy or OMGWTF to be exact) that has a MX chip I attempted at trimming a few Wii but my solder skills was not suffice, so I decide to buy one to put in a G-boy/ for learning research I'm also interested in buying any trimmed wii's that are for...
  3. MegaSeaj

    Trimmed Wii

    Don't care what style it's trimmed willing to spend good money for one