Recent content by R1CKPAT

  1. Wii Portable Parts List?

    Thanks for the response! I have been doing a lot of research in the forums recently and I really love reading about everything. I can't wait to find a spare Wii and tear into it! I think I have a lot more research to do before I start though
  2. Wii Portable Parts List?

    I'm new to the console modding scene. I know I want to build a Wii Portable because it can play both GameCube games and Wii games. I would love it if someone could recommend me parts for a Wii Portable. I will design my own case, and I know I'll need buttons, so you can knock that off of the...
  3. Worklog DSii XL

    But does it run Flip Note Studio :rothink:
  4. BitBuilt Welcome Thread!
