Recent content by CrazyGadget

  1. CrazyGadget

    Question Will my Wii short?

    Swooshes like that definitely make for a possibility between shorting of multiple layers, best thing you can do right now is check your resistances as per this guide: I'd also recommend using a dry toothbrush to clean up...
  2. CrazyGadget

    Question Ashida needing some final help

    Not an interference issue. Iirc it's an issue with either RVLoader or the Wii trying to spit out 480i, which this driver board will not handle over VGA. One of the two, I can't remember. Either way, it's normal behavior for an Ashida.
  3. CrazyGadget

    Question Ashida needing some final help

    You should still get audio without those lines connected to the U-Amp, it just won't show the U-Amp being present in RVLoader.
  4. CrazyGadget

    Question Ashida needing some final help

    When using the U-Amp with the analog pot control (or buttons for digital control), you do not need to wire up SCW / SDW to the Wii, they are only needed if you're controlling the U-Amp via WiiHUD. I have found that wiring up SCW / SDW when using analog controls causes some kind of...
  5. CrazyGadget

    Guide Wii Trim Resistances

    6-7 ohms is a normal resistance for the 1V line on a 6 layer board.
  6. CrazyGadget

    GC Nano - The Worlds Smallest Gamecube

    You'll have to make your own, I have links to the TRRS plugs and GCC extension cables in the BOM earlier in the thread.
  7. CrazyGadget

    N64HHv2: Silver-Undervolt and MGC-Green Editions

    A couple of months ago, the MGC crew decided that we wanted to build one of @Nicholas298's sexy N64HHv2s. Being that I already had most of the parts, I was more than willing to bring a kit with me to MGC. That being said, no one attending (myself included) had ever built an N64HH, so I wanted to...
  8. CrazyGadget

    Worklog Omega trim

    Nice!!!! I would assume it would be a no-go for using this trim in the summer competition, given how far out we still are. But hey, this experience will make the next one go by much faster!
  9. CrazyGadget

    MGC 2024

    MGC, the best time of the year.... okay dump time! Had to start off the meetup by comparing Wiis to see whose is smaller ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I didn't take too many pics of the room, but here are some of my favorite showings from this year. Words cannot do it justice how awesome the ShortStack is...
  10. CrazyGadget

    Worklog Project Short Stack

  11. CrazyGadget

    Worklog PiR8_BTY's N64 Portable Control Deck (N64HH)

    Just a heads up, I believe you have to trim even more off, down to the row of vias (through the capacitor). You'll have to restore the one plane you cut off. That's going off of pics of Nicholas's original build, as well as Gunnar's
  12. CrazyGadget

    i has new trim!!!1

    This is revolutionary!!!! With your new trim, we can actually get an OMGWFT, an AMOGUS and TWO PSUS-Pluh boards!!!! How did no one think to try this sooner?!?!?!?!?!?!
  13. CrazyGadget

    Discussion Where do I begin? (NOW FLIP'S FIRST WORKLOG)

    There are no (at least released) remixes of the NoldendoMiicro that work with a 4 layer Wii. If you really want to use the 4 layer, you *could* do a NAND relocation to get the trim line where it needs to be, but thay's really beyond the scope of a beginner project.
  14. CrazyGadget

    Spare Wiis

    Check out what I posted here, it will help you in your search:
  15. CrazyGadget

    Worklog Zelda Themed Gwii

    Holy long links, Batman. For future reference, you can trim off anything after and including the "?". That listing is for either an 800x480 16:9 IPS panel OR a 640x480 4:3 LCD. It's the same G-Wii screen, just with a different driver board. @Guru-guru your best bet is to look up ZJ050NA-08C on...