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The Waker of the Wiind


no wario
Staff member
2020 2nd Place Winner
2022 3rd Place Winner
Dec 16, 2016
The Oregon Wildlands
just so many i am so cool
My first post in the cutting edge and boy does it feel good.

The quest of a year and a half of trying to build a working Wii portable finally came to a close when I screwed this guy shut a couple hours ago. Meet your Waker:



I am so happy with how this turned out. It works, it's super comfortable to use, it's responsive, it's gorgeous, it's everything I want in a portable.

  • 5 inch 480p screen thanks to component video. Looks absolutely amazing.
  • 3D printed case designed entirely by yours truly. Printed out by Shank.
  • Single push on/off button
  • Simultaneous charge and play thanks to the red board
  • Custom molded buttons from Madmorda that look and feel amazing
  • Powerful speakers and switching headphone jack controlled via the built in GC+ thanks to Aurelio
  • Internal USB drive accessible through a micro-USB port
  • Screen control buttons with the "down" button doubling as the Wiimote sync button thanks to the help of Gman.
  • Recessed reset button just in case
  • IR LEDs to allow for full Wiimote compatibility
  • Freakin' sexy design on the back
  • Final dimensions at its largest points are 180mm x 86mm x 32mm.

Can't have a portable without internals! This image is slightly dated, but the only thing that changed from this picture is that I connected the power button to the other half of the portable.

My wire routing isn't all that great, but other than that I'm very pleased with how my internals turned out. I don't remember the exact number of screwposts this portable has, but it has a lot. Glue was a last resort for a couple of the smaller bits, anything that breaks in this portable can be swapped out with nothing more than a screwdriver and a soldering iron.

This portable was a team effort. Here were some of the superstars:

Shank - Helping me get the various versions of this case 3D printed, and being there for me when I needed him. He hopped into voice chat with me during the last hour of the contest when it was clear that I wasn't going to have as finished as a product as I would've liked and bullied me into posting it anyways. Bullying saves portables everyone.
Madmorda - Helping me with all things that made this portable as pretty as it is. Who told me about posca pens and walked me through the best way to use them? Madmorda. Who molded some buttons and sliders that match the color scheme flawlessly? Madmorda. Who answered every last one of my dumb painting questions? Madmorda again. Without her, this portable would've looked...bad.
Gman - All sorts of help with pretty much every aspect of the portable. He offered suggestions for the 3D designs, the custom PCBs, and helped me with things outside of this portable like the Nintendo Switch joystick research. Your portablizing expertise is invaluable.
Aurelio - For helping me from start to finish with everything. Only way he could've helped me more would be if he sat on my shoulder and bossed me around. What I wouldn't do for a pizza angel. He sent me a new amp when the one I was using was defective, shared circuit designs with me for present and future use, sent me CAD files to check mine against, and so much more. I can't appreciate you enough.

I think that's about all I have to say. I'm going to try to get a video of this little guy filmed soon. Thanks again BitBuilt <3


no wario
Staff member
2020 2nd Place Winner
2022 3rd Place Winner
Dec 16, 2016
The Oregon Wildlands
just so many i am so cool
I made a video!

I also opened it back up again and relocated MX and the RTC so that time trial times make sense and so the lottery dude in TTYD stops being triggered. Battery life is good, pretty sure it's more than four hours but I haven't really been able to run a good test. The TVL regs do make a difference it seems.
Feb 25, 2019
  • 5 inch 480p screen thanks to component video. Looks absolutely amazing.
  • 3D printed case designed entirely by yours truly. Printed out by Shank.
  • Single push on/off button
  • Simultaneous charge and play thanks to the red board
  • Custom molded buttons from Madmorda that look and feel amazing
  • Powerful speakers and switching headphone jack controlled via the built in GC+ thanks to Aurelio
  • Internal USB drive accessible through a micro-USB port.(Etc...)
When you said the 5in screen, is there a specific one in mind, could you send me the link?
I'm looking to make one myself and I can't seem to find screens that aren't RasberryPi brand.


2 and a Half Dollarydoos
Staff member
Feb 5, 2017
Banana Bender Land, Australia
When you said the 5in screen, is there a specific one in mind, could you send me the link?
I'm looking to make one myself and I can't seem to find screens that aren't RasberryPi brand.
The brand is Eyoyo, you can find them on ebay.