Felix was there and I got a personally delivered shoutout. Also semi-confirmed his attendance at MGC.
Now that the important information is out of the way, here's what's going down with the GRAND HIGH MAX PIGY MAN:
I've finished the unit. It's just as good as I thought it would be, and the perfect platform for developing software memes that eventually everyone will get to enjoy. I have documented the process with a bunch of images, because I lack any sort of good recording setup, and work was done sporadically which would've made filming slow everything down. Even pictures did tbh, but if Aurelio doesn't get his daily dose of pig he starts working on non-Wii projects and that's never okay.
I also wrote a bigass script detailing the whole of Wii Portablizing, considering that this portable is pretty representative of the entire BitBuilt process. Unfortunately, when said script is dictated, it's like 38 minutes long, and I have to cut that down to 18 at max for the HLH entry. As much as I want to do the whole 38 minutes in beautiful video format, a lot of what I'm covering has no real visuals to accompany it, and in like, two days I only got like 6 minutes done. Assuming a constant rate, my entry wouldn't be completed in time.
So, here's the plan. I'm sure plenty of you would loved to be soothed by my sensual voice for almost 40 minutes of pleasure, so I'll probably release the audio as a "podcast" or something at some point. Some easy listening for all you folks out there in jazz land, who want to listen to my sax all night long.
In the meantime, I've got like less than a week to condense the script, and put together a video for the unit. So all my effort is gonna be focused on that, then with that out of the way, focused on software/MGC.
It'll be out by April 2nd I guess.