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Discussion RVL-DD Success/Struggle Stories - SDW/SDC and Controller issues


Mar 2, 2024
Hey All!

I'm trying to get as much data as possible on people who have built Ashidas (though really any Wii portable) using the RVL-DDv2. I've been struggling with RVLoader locking up, and occasional freezing in games. I've discussed this in the discord, and the general advice is to route your I2C wires away from any components and make sure your solder joints are good. I've spent time on both of those issues, and I feel like I've done a decent job. I can post some pics next time I have the Ashida on the bench, and can provide more detail if this thread gets some traction.

In the process of searching for solutions, I've seen a few other people express similar problems, some who had working Ashidas and only saw issues after replacing the blue video driver board with the DD. This has led me to theorize that there may be a bug somewhere in the DD's firmware, or some aspect of how it interacts with I2C. I have no proof of this, and I mean no disrespect to Aurelio, who is way beyond anything I'll ever reach.

What I hope to do is collect data from you guys as to your success or failures around the DD and I2C. I'm REALLY looking for people who have 100% success while playing their Wii portable for significant amounts of time. No lockups, no controller drops, nothing out of the ordinary while playing for, say, 1 hour stretches a few times a week.

FWIW, I'm currently playing Wind Waker and most of my play sessions are without issue. I'll play for 30-60 mins and all is good. Except for when it isn't. One out of every 3 or so sessions and the system freezes. I actually see this more with Fight Night 2 than with Wind Waker. With FN2, the controller will drop out (I don't see this with WW), and then 10-15 seconds later the system locks up hard with audio and video both stalled (audio making noise).

So, if you're using an RVL-DDv2 in an Wii Portable, and you actually play the portable for any significant amount of time, please let us know how it's going. One or two people who can prove that they're having a flawless experience might be enough to disprove my hypothesis. I am VERY open to that idea, in fact it's way more likely that my newbie skills are the source of my troubles, and I have no problem ripping the whole thing apart (eventually) and even trimming another Wii, if that's the way to fix the issues I'm seeing.
Dec 20, 2024
I shared pictures of my wiring on my thread that made my ashida stop crashing:

Dec 20, 2024
I updated my post. After running some tests, I can confidently say that twisting SDW and SCW with ground solves the crashes.