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Question PS2 Console Wont Boot after GND got loose

Apr 10, 2024
Hello Everyone,

This weekend, I decided to trim my SCPH-79004 PS2, which I finally found on the market after months of searching.

The process went very smoothly. I decided to start with the Standard Trimming. After sanding well and closely inspecting to ensure no layers were touching, I connected the batteries (2x18650 in series) to the input voltage, the composite cable, and the reset button to give it a try. Unfortunately, it did not display any image on the screen. It seemed to boot (the CPU heats up and the cooler starts spinning), but I did not get any video.

For some time, I tried troubleshooting around the composite cable pin to see if there was a 5V signal, and there was. However, during this process, the ground pin became loose and detached from the board. Unfortunately, I had left the batteries connected. After that, the board stopped "booting," and the CPU no longer heats up when I press the reset button.

Naturally, I started troubleshooting this issue and realized that with the batteries connected, I no longer get 5V where it should be. My guess is that a fuse blew, but I cannot identify which one. I have already checked all the fuses I could find, but they all seem to be intact.

Does anyone have any hints on how to address this problem or how to better troubleshoot it?

Some photos of my board (its not 100% equal the trimming guide either)


Nov 9, 2017
What’s your battery setup and are you using a bms with batteries?

It looks like you didn’t wire the 8.5v to the linear regulator. Does your video dac get warm when you power on ?
Apr 10, 2024
What’s your battery setup and are you using a bms with batteries?
Hi initially I used a BMS USB Charger with 2x18650 cells in series. Thats gave me around 8.2V. But after the "incident" that the GND detached from the board I decided to connected the power supply instead, just to be sure.

It looks like you didn’t wire the 8.5v to the linear regulator. Does your video dac get warm when you power on ?
Initially, I did not wired but I checked the voltages and I had 5V on the output of the regulator and in the fuse (see photos). Unfortunatelly I did not checked if the DAC was getting warm. After the "incident", as I said, there is not the input voltage on the regulator nor the 5V on its output.

Yesterday I tried to connect the 8.5V direct to this regulator which gave me back the 5V on the regulator output but nothing changed. The board does not give any signs to boot as initially.

I have a question, in a no trimmed board, after connecting the power supply (before booting) the 5V should be already there or is activated by the CPU like the other voltages?


Some photos of the BMS Charger and batteries I mentioned.
