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Guide PortablizeU Setup


Oct 3, 2023
The intent of this guide is purely to aid in setting up the software on the Wii U before trimming. The guide will set up isfshax, remove the need for the disc drive, and set up minute_minute fastboot (autoboots IOS from wherever it was loaded from), stroopwafel, the isfshax tolerance patch for IOSU, and USB-as-SD (eliminates the SD Card) onto the SLC NAND, as well as setting up another SD Card for cafeflex. Aroma will also be set up, it will be put onto the USB drive after everything has been set up.

Please note:

  • The guide expects you to know basic file management. If you don't, then I worry for your console.
  • The guide assumes the system is currently stock, ie. No isfshax or Aroma. If you have Aroma already, just undo the coldbooting into PayloadLoader. If you have isfshax already, skip the "Installing isfshax" section.
  • If you choose to relocate the original eMMC, and NOT use cafeflex's microSD card, you mustdo the following:
    • Delete both wafel_setup_mlc.ipx and wafel_unlimit_mlc.ipx files from sd:/wiiu/ios_plugins immediately.
    • Delete the 7unlimit.ipx file from usb:/hax/ios_plugins before installing hax to the SLC NAND.
    • Skip "Cutting The eMMC CLK" and "Setting Up The MLC" sections.
What You Need
  • An SD Card and USB drive, both formatted to FAT32.
  • A Wii U with cafeflex installed, if you are not planning to use the eMMC.
    • You will need a dedicated micro SD Card for this (2 SD Cards in total),
  • The .zip file from PortablizeU.
SD Card Setup
Copy the contents of the sd folder from the PortablizeU .zip file to the root of the SD Card.

USB Drive Setup
Copy the contents of the usb folder from the PortablizeU .zip file to the root of the USB drive.

Installing isfshax
  1. Boot the Wii U and launch the Internet Browser.
  2. Go to u.wiidb.de and press "HAXX".
  3. Wait for the Wii U to load into minute_minute.
  4. Navigate to Boot 'ios.img' and select it
    • Navigation is done with the POWER button, selection with the EJECT button.
  5. Now the ISFShax installer should launch (this takes a few seconds)
  6. Follow the Instructions on the screen, the buttons are the same as minute_minute.
  7. The console should now turn off.
  8. If the install was successful the Wii U should directly start into minute_minute once you turn it on again.
    • minute_minute will only display on a 1080p HDMI display on a coldboot.
Removing The Disc Drive
  1. Boot the Wii U if it is not already on. It should go directly into minute_minute.
  2. Navigate to Backup and Restore and select it.
  3. Select Set SEEPROM SATA device type.
  4. Select No device.
  5. Press EJECT again to confirm the change.
  6. Now you should be able to boot into Wii U Menu without the disc drive present.
    • You can test this by removing the SD Card and booting the console.
Cutting The eMMC CLK
If you are planning to use the original eMMC, you can skip this section!

Use a craft knife or something sharp to cut this trace:

Not doing so will conflict with setting up the SD Card on the cafeflex!

Setting Up The MLC
If you are planning to use the original eMMC, you can skip this section!
  1. Download the MLCRestorerDownloader for your OS and extract the zip.
  2. Boot the Wii U if it is not already on. It should go directly into minute_minute.
  3. Navigate to Backup and Restore and select it.
  4. Select Dump SEEPROM & OTP.
  5. Press POWER or EJECT to return to the main backup menu.
  6. Navigate to the main minute_minute menu.
  7. Power off the Wii U.
  8. Insert the front-slot SD Card into the PC and copy the otp.bin from the root to the extracted folder.
    • Put the file next to the executable.
  9. Open a command prompt/terminal window in the directory with the executable.
  10. Run the application (ie .\MLCRestorerDownloader.exe for Windows users).
  11. Type in 1 the for MLC titles.
  12. Type in the number for the current console region (ie 2 for a USA console).
  13. Wait for it to finish downloading. It should prompt you to press the ENTER key on your keyboard once finished.
  14. Once finished, create a folder called wafel_install on the root of the USB drive and copy all 52 MLC titles here.
  15. Insert both SD cards (the one to be used with the cafeflex, and the one into the front slot) AND the USB drive into one of the USB ports.
    • Make sure the CLK trace to the eMMC has been cut.
  16. Power on the Wii U.
  17. Navigate to Backup and Restore and select it.
  18. Select Erase MLC and press EJECT again to confirm.
  19. Select Delete scfm.img and press EJECT again to confirm.
  20. Go back to the main menu and select Patch (sd) and boot IOS (slc).
  21. Wait for the LED to start blinking blue, this means the MLC setup has started. Wait for it to stop blinking, that is when the MLC setup has finished.
  22. Shut off the console and put the USB and the front-slot SD Card back into your PC.
  23. Check the wafel_setup_mlc.log file on the root of the USB drive and make sure there were no errors.
    • All titles should have returned 00000000.
    • SetInitialLaunch should have returned 1.
  24. If everything looks right, delete the wafel_setup_mlc.ipx file from sd:/wiiu/ios_plugins.
  25. Plug both the USB drive and front-slot SD Card back into the Wii U.
  26. Boot the console again, select Patch (sd) and boot IOS (slc), You should be at the EnvironmentLoader a few seconds after.
  27. Press Y on aroma and press A to load it. You should then be at the AutobootModule boot selector.
    • If you instead get a warning about the update folder, press X to delete it.
  28. Press Y on Wii U Menu and press A to load it. You should be greeted with initial setup.
  29. Complete the initial setup.
Installing hax to the SLC
  1. If you aren't already at the Wii U Menu, power on the Wii U and select Patch (sd) and boot IOS (slc).
  2. Launch haxcopy from the Wii U Menu and select Copy hax folder to SLC. Press A again to copy hax.
    • When it is done, you can try removing the SD Card and booting the console without it. It should load into the OS with Aroma loaded from the USB drive.
    • If it flashes the yellow LED briefly upon booting, you likely didnt copy the hax folder from the .zip file to the root of the USB drive.
Additional Pre-trim Preparation
These are just additional pre-trim preparations (Setting the video output to Composite and disabling Standby Mode/Quick Start) that should be done to make testing after trimming easier.
  1. Boot up the Wii U and launch System Settings.
  2. Navigate to Power Settings and select it (its the icon with a power button and wrench).
  3. Disable Standby Functions. This will also disable Quick Start.
  4. Go back to the main System Settings menu and select the TV options.
  5. Press TV Connection Type and select Non-HDMI.
  6. You can decide which aspect ratio you want to use. It is only going to be used for testing.
  7. From here you should be ready to go back to the trim guide!
  • Things will be added as more becomes clear!
  • ShinyQuagsire23: de_Fuse, Stroopwafel, minute_minute
  • jan-hofmeier: improvements to stroopwafel, minute_minute, isfshax, the isfshax installer, the creation of the wafel_payloader and the usb-as-sd patch
  • rw-r-r_0664: discovering and implementing isfshax
  • @YveltalGriffin for the zip builder website and haxcopy which was based off WiiUCrashLogDumper by Maschell (which was based off WiiUIdent by GaryOderNichts)
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