@MRKane Thanks mate for the kind words, for sure that’s a bit disheartening when you are so close.
Sometime just taking a small break helps to comeback with a clearer mindset, at least that’s what has been working for me.
So on my side I had a fairly packed modding weekend, pretty much from morning to evening.
I did more testing on my board but couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it so I ended up going for door number 2, cutting a brand new board.
So this time before doing anything to it I tried soldering the RPI2 to the ethernet points directly and it worked straight away.
I took apart my second 79001 NTSC board which was from a sliver slim and was surprise when I saw the layout being different than my first 79001 NTSC.
Looked almost like a PAL board with that lid sensor on the top right corner.
Then I removed the ports from the board and traced the lines to square of the board
Cut it up, wired the different connectors, wired the memory card and wired the PI2 to the ethernet point which… didn’t work…
At that point this whole thing didn’t make sense, why would it work just an hour ago and stop working after the board was prep.
So fast forward to around 2 hours later where I had tried to rewire multiple time and tried different length of wires to the points where the Pi2 was only a few centimetre from the PS2 board but nothing worked.
Until I realised that all the direct wiring I did prior was to the ethernet point when the ethernet jack was still in. Solder back the jack and sure enough it worked straight away.
I work my way from there, desoldering pin by pin until it stopped working and what was missing is to have one of
the middle pin solder to complete the (ground?) traces on the back of the board. So for it to work I needed 5 wires to the PS2 board.
I then tried to remove the ethernet jack and solder to those point directly with the caps but again no go, so the transformer in the jack looks like are need for this to work.
Then I remember when I was trying to find out the PI2 wiring I took apart the RPI2 ethernet port and it looked like transformers in that ports where on a small board which looked more manageable that the big PS2 ethernet port.
Long story short, did some more testing and indeed the PI2 ethernet port board worked a treat and is quite small vs a full size ethernet port.
Before putting it all back I also looked at the fan which was bothering me from last time.
The fan which I had cut down around 4 years ago was way to noisy.
I tried greasing it but that didn’t do it so I had to cut up a brand new fan and go through the
painstaking job of removing the bottom part of the fan which is made of one solid aluminium piece. took around an hour only for that last part but at least now I have a quiet fan.
I wired all up along with that PI2 ethernet board and…
It is finally alive and working as it should!
Will be posting this in the complete section soon but I might do a video first when I get some time.