Right, these last few days have been a challenge, but I've managed to get some time to push ahead with this project.
For those who like wiring this is probably the biggest mess in the whole damn thing, you can see the edges of the custom "button board" that I cut out of some copper shielding tape.
Making use of buttons and lights that come with the unit, because why not? I did think about lighting up the home button (which is reset) but had no super easy way to do it, knew nothing about the LED, figured it'd get annoying, and was frankly getting sick of soldering to things so tiny when I'd not even assembled it to test yet.
The whole thing, sort of together and only partially locked down. Less Ron Jeremy and more Sasha Grey please. I had to put in another 5V buckboost to power the screen, and typically it's overheating and causing the screen to turn off. I've another power unit on the way that should handle the whole system, but I might have to consider some system-wide cooling as the HDMI driver board gets hot too.
One with the HDMI board folded up to show the mess that I've created under this:
Needless to say that upscaled to HDMI it looks fantastic, I really hope that I can make this work. Bonus points for guessing the game
So from here:
I'm thinking about making the 5V power converter external to the main unit and mounting it on the side of the battery pack, which will also include the switches and perhaps a charging circuit. While it runs fine off of the PS2 PSU at the moment I'm wondering if 12V will blow up the PS2 or if it'll run fine on it. 8.5V is a really odd voltage after all. No idea how I'm going to do that, will figure it out as it happens