Nintendo 64 Classic Edition

Senor Avocado

2022 2nd Place Winner
Jun 28, 2017
I present to you the Nintendo 64 Classic Edition. It is a trimmed OMGWTF wii with all the virtual console N64 games. Whenever Bob released his Wii Minii I always wanted to build one, but with N64 Virtual Console being hit or miss with early versions of RVloader, I waited until Aurelio released RV Loader 2.0 and worked out all the kinks before I started. First is my render and second the real deal!

Paper Mario Render.png




Here is my video to showcase some of the things it can do

I made some adjustments to the CAD case that I thought would make it even better, and adjusted it to being printed through JLC’s SLA resin 3d print services. I think it is really clean and matches really closely with the original console. I added some details like the text on the buttons, the bumps on the expansion pak door and most importantly, a little “cartridge” to make it feel like the real deal. It looked a little naked to me without the cartridge on there, so I thought it was a nice touch.

All the decals are just 1 hour photo prints from Walmart and cost a whopping 42 cents! It came out really nice and I will definitely do this in the future for things that don’t have to have super durability.

I also added some 3d printed caps to the front so it would have the 1,2,3,4 player dots.

The biggest change I made on the inside was that I wanted it to have HDMI out instead of the original av port. I used a Wii2Hdmi dongle in this build, but the files I have attached can either use this, a AVE to HDMI board from Electron Shepard or the Fuji Flex. I am definitely doing a Fuji Flex for the next one! You can just plug in the unused holes with a little bit of super glue and 3d printer filament, that is what I did in my prototype, and it worked really well to make sure that the holes that were close to each other didn’t cave in or crack.

wii2HDMI mounting.png
Electron Shepard HDMI mounting.png
fuji Flex mounting.png

I also redesigned the heat sink/fan combo so that it would blow hot air out of the back instead of just recirculating inside.

To make it complete I also put a GC+V2 inside of a N64 controller. I used a third-party replacement joystick since that had regular potentiometers instead of the rotary encoders, and I had to design my own little circuit to convert the c buttons to map out to the c-stick. You can see the schematic and little perfboard design I whipped up to make this work. After running the joystick wizard in RVloader it all works great!

CStick to CButton Schematic.png
CStick to CButton Perfboard.png


It can play Gamecube and Wii games too, but why would you want to do that lol. I did not relocate the bluetooth board, the wifi board, or the mx chip since the virtual console games do not need any of that.

Thank you so much to everyone, Bob for his initial CAD work, Aurelio for fixing N64 virtual console in the newest version of RV Loader, red herring, for being willing to print some things for me, Supertazon and Y2K for saying that you didn’t like the design of the original mini cartridge so that I changed it to what it is now

Below are the features:
  • Powered by USB-C 5V 3A
  • HDMI Video Out
  • All 4 GC ports for sick multiplayer action
  • Has working slide power switch and reset button
I have linked all the STLs and Decals so if you want to give a crack at building one you can do so! You all have provided so much to me in this community and I wanted to contribute too. I plan on Revision 2 to have the funtastic gummy shark color scheme and a custom pcb to minimize all the handwriting from the regulators and controller ports.

crazygadget power board.png



Apr 29, 2020
Absolutely fantastic job!! Really professional looking! Doing what Nintendon’t!
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Staff member
Feb 25, 2016
Well Done! The case looks really nice too.