Youre right I dont. But this board is meant for a LiPo, not a Li-Ion. It's also only meant for low-mAH batteries, probably 1000-3000mAH. I can adjust the charge rate by de-soldering the rProg resistor on the TP4056. If I really wanted to used the Li-Ion batteries with this, I would've catered my project based around them, but this is for a separate project, I just wanted to test and see if it worked with a 18650. I would probably just order a 4x cell holder like how AA or AAA batteries have their little casings, and take them out and slap them on a 18650 charger.
Guys, I'm trying my all I can give best. I don't have a school in my district to actually teach myself this stuff. Let alone, pay for a college nearby in my city once I get to that point.