It looks like you exposed a lot of the ground plane on both sides of the two bluetooth traces, so I would be especially careful about how much exposed wire you have coming off of the joints to those two lines; also be sure to test your resistances between those lines and each other / ground to ensure there are no shorts. It doesn't look like your two BT lines are making very solid connections, especially the top one. You should be able to give both of them a light tug without them popping off. If you feel like you screwed up scratching the mask at that point, you can always try it at another spot.
Also, looking at those solder joints, the joints on the BT module itself, and just some more around the Wii board, it looks like you're not using enough flux for the solder to flow properly to the pads / traces / vias. The joints should be shiny and organic-looking, without any raised points / bumps / cancerous tumors.