Worklog First and Second G-wii projects


Apr 20, 2019
Hi Everyone, i've been following the forums a while, but have never been good at posting my work or projects,

my friend told me about bit built and since he loves consoles and video games and i love electronics, we worked together and i built myself a prototype G Wii and use all the experience to build him a really nice one i'm super jealous of his


i bought one of these screens as it was a decent price and the vga screens were not for sale on BB yet
i wanted a gwii though so i did a bunch of modeling to make the gwii fit my screen and came up with this


its not the most pretty but i stretched the case 5mm and changed up the way the screen fits to allow my screen to stay in place.
I also flattened the top of it to allow it to be printed easily on my 3d printer since i was still pretty new to printing when i made this


the back of the case also stretched and the fan holes changed since the Gwii fan was 50$ on ebay then and was not for sale on BB

I had Portablize mii running well on it but was only able to play wii games,
now I have BBloader on it and it functions flawlessly.



all I had was this horrible orange hookup wire, but i made do with what I had


this is my second trim after I thought removing the LDO without giving another 1.8v source was a good idea, fried 2 other Wiis before i realized that.
i have gotten much better at soldering since then and descided to go through the horrible wiring i had done and clean it up a bunch


using what i saw noah had done i grabed some thin wire and used it to to clean up the wiring alot,
I also replaced the composite video wire with the wiis wifi antenna wire, this impoved the video quality alot and reduced interference.


Second wii for my friend, he wanted a more proper wii then i had, and also wanted the 640X 480 4:3 screen since he would be playing a lot of GameCube games

i got the Vga screen Gc+2.0 and cooling kit from the bitbuilt store.

he had mentioned that he though purple would be cool so i found a nice Magic purple from Sakata filaments


my phone picture doesn't do justice but the metallic flake is awesome


here the shell complete

i assembled another set of Pth regs for this one and he came over and we trimmed his Wii together,

aslo got some 3200 18650s for him and a redboard to charge and play as well.


some of my picture i junk but i first assembled the back with teh cooling batteries charge board and Regulators, then did some tests and moved on


I wired up the Gc+ 2.0 and tried to run the wires as neatly as possible

I have a 64amp on the way but right now he has no working headphone jack or volume buttons but i had a basic amp that i cannot find a picture of


and here i have it assembled with and working with 2 Wii motes hooked up.



definitely would not have been possible to make these, without all the work that's been put in by the bit built store and members, for the trimming guide. Aurelio for the Gc+s and BBloader, and Gman for the awesome case and providing the files.

Edit, My buddy received the 64amps in the mail and the dual tact buttons, he dropped of the wii and i took some picutres of my progress

I also ripped out all the old wiring and cleaned it up real nice

Before Pic

After pics it turned out pretty good I think



Also Vga looks amazing!

Ethan. E
time to build a rev 3


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