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ESP32 Bluetooth Arcade Cabinet Controller Interface

Apr 17, 2024
I saw that the Firestick 4K Max was getting decent reviews for retro gaming and I wanted to see whether it would be an option for my arcade cabinet. The problem that I came up against was that it wouldn't recognise any of the usual USB encoder PCBs for the control panel, I tried with Arduino Pro Micro too, but the firestick would not recognise the USB interface.

So I thought about using USB32 to create a Bluetooth interface instead. It worked! I found some code on github for an ESP32 bluetooth gamepad and adjusted that code to suit my joystick and button setup. I can't take the credit - it's not my code (I'm not a programmer); but couldn't see anybody else posting anything similar so hopefully this helps someone out.

Code below is 1 hat, 8 buttons and there is a link in the code to the github:

* This code programs a number of pins on an ESP32 as buttons and hats on a BLE gamepad
* It uses arrays to cut down on code
* Before using, adjust the numOfButtons, buttonPins, physicalButtons, numOfHats and hatPins to suit your scenario

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <BleGamepad.h> // https://github.com/lemmingDev/ESP32-BLE-Gamepad

BleGamepad bleGamepad;

#define numOfButtons 8
#define numOfHats 1 // Maximum 4 hat switches supported

byte previousButtonStates[numOfButtons];
byte currentButtonStates[numOfButtons];
byte buttonPins[numOfButtons] = {4, 18, 19, 21, 3, 23, 25, 32};
byte physicalButtons[numOfButtons] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};

byte previousHatStates[numOfHats * 4];
byte currentHatStates[numOfHats * 4];
byte hatPins[numOfHats * 4] = {13, 14, 26, 27}; // in order UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT. 4 pins per hat switch (Eg. List 12 pins if there are 3 hat switches)

void setup()
// Setup Buttons
for (byte currentPinIndex = 0; currentPinIndex < numOfButtons; currentPinIndex++)
pinMode(buttonPins[currentPinIndex], INPUT_PULLUP);
previousButtonStates[currentPinIndex] = HIGH;
currentButtonStates[currentPinIndex] = HIGH;

// Setup Hat Switches
for (byte currentPinIndex = 0; currentPinIndex < numOfHats * 4; currentPinIndex++)
pinMode(hatPins[currentPinIndex], INPUT_PULLUP);
previousHatStates[currentPinIndex] = HIGH;
currentHatStates[currentPinIndex] = HIGH;

BleGamepadConfiguration bleGamepadConfig;

// changing bleGamepadConfig after the begin function has no effect, unless you call the begin function again

void loop()
if (bleGamepad.isConnected())
// Deal with buttons
for (byte currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < numOfButtons; currentIndex++)
currentButtonStates[currentIndex] = digitalRead(buttonPins[currentIndex]);

if (currentButtonStates[currentIndex] != previousButtonStates[currentIndex])
if (currentButtonStates[currentIndex] == LOW)

// Update hat switch pin states
for (byte currentHatPinsIndex = 0; currentHatPinsIndex < numOfHats * 4; currentHatPinsIndex++)
currentHatStates[currentHatPinsIndex] = digitalRead(hatPins[currentHatPinsIndex]);

// Update hats
signed char hatValues[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

for (byte currentHatIndex = 0; currentHatIndex < numOfHats; currentHatIndex++)
signed char hatValueToSend = 0;

for (byte currentHatPin = 0; currentHatPin < 4; currentHatPin++)
// Check for direction
if (currentHatStates[currentHatPin + currentHatIndex * 4] == LOW)
hatValueToSend = currentHatPin * 2 + 1;

// Account for last diagonal
if (currentHatPin == 0)
if (currentHatStates[currentHatIndex * 4 + 3] == LOW)
hatValueToSend = 8;

// Account for first 3 diagonals
if (currentHatPin < 3)
if (currentHatStates[currentHatPin + currentHatIndex * 4 + 1] == LOW)
hatValueToSend += 1;

hatValues[currentHatIndex] = hatValueToSend;

// Set hat values
bleGamepad.setHats(hatValues[0], hatValues[1], hatValues[2], hatValues[3]);

// Update previous states to current states and send report
if (currentButtonStates != previousButtonStates || currentHatStates != previousHatStates)
for (byte currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < numOfButtons; currentIndex++)
previousButtonStates[currentIndex] = currentButtonStates[currentIndex];

for (byte currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < numOfHats * 4; currentIndex++)
previousHatStates[currentIndex] = currentHatStates[currentIndex];

