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Worklog Black Ashida


Feb 21, 2022
This worklog is very impressive! I've gotten a lot of work done on my Ashida but have started to get frustrated and discouraged. This is really helping to show promise. Great work so far!

Is there some guide you've been using besides the 4layer website for the wiring? It looks like you've gotten quite a lot of stuff like the lcd board that I just can't find anything on how it's supposed to be wired. Also things like having certain wires twisted, which ones need to etc. I must be missing something.

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Apr 12, 2020
This worklog is very impressive! I've gotten a lot of work done on my Ashida but have started to get frustrated and discouraged. This is really helping to show promise. Great work so far!

Is there some guide you've been using besides the 4layer website for the wiring? It looks like you've gotten quite a lot of stuff like the lcd board that I just can't find anything on how it's supposed to be wired. Also things like having certain wires twisted, which ones need to etc. I must be missing something.

Mainy just the 4 layer website diagrams and the definitive wii trimming guide on BitBuilt. Keep at it! It's worth it and check out the photos in here for what needs to be twisted and if you have more questions feel free to ask!

Moved the MX chip and it works! Also i didn't realize this but I don't have to solder to the speakers. They have connections from the Ashida boards and have touch pads... I didn't realize until I was told by smarter people than me lol...

Going to do the Bluetooth and VGA and close it up! The sticks that I wanted to swap out with this will not be manufactured for another 6 months I was told.. so for now I will just keep this as the black Ashida! In the future it might change though!


Apr 12, 2020
Okay! So I am finished with my Ashida finally haha. So Cutting Edge post soon.

I wired VGA a million times wrong (fun colors on screen) until Gman reminded me to look at the diagram on the forums and not go off of color of the diagrams but to look at the numbers lol. So after a day or so of me being silly... got it fixed. Was feeling good but case was not closing up great after testing the Bluetooth and sync. Sync works on the wiimote so I am happy to close up.

I modified the Z buttons and had to sand down the nob on the end of the button. Just take your time when doing this. My right Z button is a little off compared to the left but oh well ha. It clicks and works good.

Another note! Please make sure you set sliders to anolog! Because if they are set to digital they will make you think your losing your mind when playing games lol..

I closed up the case and then... my screen had a yellow tent in the bottom. So there was pressure on the inside causing an issue. Mainly just the Bluetooth chip on the nand pushing up. So I had to open the case and relocate the chip/rewire and try closing again.

Take 2... and still seeing the yellow tent from pressure on the screen. So I took out the plastic plate that mounts the LCD board and just taped the crap out of the backside of the metal LCD panel and underside of the LCD driver board.

Take 3! And was finally able to get the yellow pressure tent to go away and everything to fit in without any shorting or very minimal yellow tent from pressure. I see like a smaaaall dot if I look hard but only see it when its a black screen. So I am happy with the results lol. Been testing everything so far and its been good.

After switching to anolog for triggers I still did notice one time when playing smash bros my left stick was randomly making me go right and was stuck. I rebooted and checked settings and button test and then played for another 30 minutes and then it went away. Going to call this bad boy good for now and post in the Cutting Edge if testing works after a few drains of this thing!

Wish me luck! Hopefully my next post will be a celebration and not troubleshooting update one haha.

