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BitBuilt's 2018 Summer Building Contest

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Jan 16, 2016
The World Wide Web


Ah, yes. It's that time of the year again when the summer building contest begins! With a recent shift of focus to custom PCBs and microcontrollers, the entries for this year should be incredible feats!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with what exactly this contest is, here's a quick explanation. The Summer Building Contest is a competition hosted here on BitBuilt where anyone is able to enter and use their skills to make the best piece of modded hardware that they can. The winners are all picked by the community so the entrants will need to do their best to impress everyone with their creation in order to secure a spot in the top 3 and win prizes!

We'll be using the same voting system as last year with manual checks to prevent people from making multiple accounts to boost their vote count. Here's a rundown of the way votes work for anyone unfamiliar with the system:

There will be three categories that each user will vote for. Each category counts as one vote, meaning if someone voted for the same entry in all three categories, that entry would gain 3 votes overall. This is done to prevent the contest ending in a tie like we saw in the 2016 contest.

Case Design/Aesthetic - You will be able to vote on which entry is the most aesthetically pleasing to you. Whether it's the frankencasing job they did or the hours and hours they poured into designing their 3D printed case, only one entry can secure your vote so make sure it's whichever you think is best!

Internals -
Someone once said "beauty is on the inside" and in this community over the years we have seen mods where that is absolutely the truth. If the inside of your mod is a hot-glued mess that looks like it's fresh off of Drakon's workbench, well, let's just say you probably won't be getting any votes in this category.

Features and Functionality - Some console mods retain full functionality while some sacrifice aspects of the original hardware in order to trim down the final size. In this category, entries will be judged on what kind of neat features are included or which ones are taken away. For example, if you make a Wii portable with internal storage and have file transfer and charging through one port, you're more likely to win a vote than if you put a serial port on your Wii and want people to use a serial to USB converter in order to play games.

Last year, we had several prizes offered that were either in development or not currently stocked at the time of the conclusion of the contest. In fact, there are still winners from last year who have yet to receive their prize. In order to prevent this from happening again, this year we will be seeking alternative prizes. If you've got suggestions, we'd love to hear them.

The fee for entering the contest will remain the same as the past couple of years coming in at a whopping $2. Registering for the contest is the same as it's been for the last two years. If you need a refresher on how to register click here.

The tentative schedule can be seen below:

April 27th - Registration opens for all users.
May 11th - Registration closes for all users. The contest has officially begun!
August 10th - The contest officially comes to a close. All completed entries must be submitted by this date.
August 11th - Voting opens!
August 18th - Voting comes to a close.
August 25th - The winners are announced on the official BitBuilt YouTube channel!
It's going to be yet another awesome summer!
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Jan 16, 2016
The World Wide Web
We're barreling towards the deadline faster than most people would probably like, and since we're only about a month away I figure I'd give you all an update about prizes!

As I stated in the previous post, last year we offered prizes that took far to long to get into the hands of the winners of the contest, so this year we will be offering a universally loved prize: CASH

The prizes are as follows:
1st - $250
2nd - $125
3rd - $75

We will most likely be distributing these via PayPal, so please make sure you have an account if you are in the contest! (Which you should, it was a requirement to enter so... :rothink: )

Good luck! I hope to see many completed entries!
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