Hey Guys,
I'm GBA-SP (yes like the handheld). I'm an NYC Industrial Design major who actually wants to develop and design electronics in the future. I'm pretty used to working in Solidworks, working with soldering irons, and making products with sweat and passion. Electronics seem slightly less daunting ever since I've gotten experienced with some of the things involved and I'm even thinking of making one of my creations into a final for an upcoming assignment. I'm all for the grind and pain that comes with product design like this and hope to become a master of the electrical aspects. I've definitely got a few questions here and there (mostly vocab and definitions), and I hope to learn about them soon. I'd love to talk about non-console related electrical work as well, as I'm currently making the casing for a gaming mouse in my spare time to get better at 3D-printing and Solidworks