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BitBuilt Updates

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Jan 16, 2016
The World Wide Web
BitBuilt Commununity,

To be perfectly honest a while ago I could have never envisioned myself writing this message to you all. But like the seasons, things change in our lives adjusting our trajectory in ways we may not have anticipated. Unfortunately this is one of those times in my life and I've found myself less and less able to be present in the community, definitely not as much as someone who runs a site for portablizers should be.

That is why today, effective immedietely, I'm stepping down from my position as "the manager" of BitBuilt and handing the reigns of the forums and Discord server off to cheese and CrashBash. I've spent plenty of time IRL with both of these guys and know that they are the most capable and qualified people to be leading the BitBuilt community into whatever the next chapter of the scene might hold in store. I'm certain that the both of them will do a wonderful job maintaining the forums and Discord to ensure that the next generation of modders will have access to the droves of information we've collected and curated here over the years. Crash and cheese have both been a part of the scene for well over a decade at this point and have no signs of letting up any time soon. I'm very excited to see what they have in store for the future of BitBuilt!

Obviously the elephant in the room that still needs to be addressed; The BitBuilt Store. For those who are unaware, Gman and Aurelio departed the BitBuilt Store team in January. I've taken a long time to reflect and decide where I want to go moving forward and have come to the very difficult decision to sunset the BitBuilt Store. If you're unsure, this means that there will be no future restocks. Once an item is out of stock that's it. Once the product availability reaches the bottom of the barrel, the BitBuilt Store will be closing its doors.

Any outstanding orders will be honored and shipped. As always if you placed an order and would like a refund, please do not hesitate to send me a message through your store account or send an email to [email protected] and I'll get back with you as soon as I can!

Resources such as the G-Boy manual and subforums will remain online, though I can't say for sure whether or not any new manuals will be written and added to the site. However, the store forums and discord channel will be removed as they will no longer serve a purpose once the store shuts down.

It's been the privilege of a lifetime to be able to supply everyone with parts and supplies for a hobby I know we all hold near and dear to our hearts. Seeing all of the amazing projects everyone has worked on or completed using our products gave me a feeling I'm not sure words can describe. Even though my portablizing days are likely drawing to a close or even possibly now behind me, I'll still be checking in on occasion to keep up to date on all of the cool stuff everyone is always making! These last 5 years have been some of the best of my life and while I'd love to milk that for all that it's worth it's important to know when it's time to move on. My time is here, and I'd like to thank you all so much for spending some of yours here on BitBuilt. Whether you've lurked, you have an account, bought something from the store, watched one of my streams, or even just think portables are neat- this community would be nothing without you and I'm forever grateful to everyone for helping me make BitBuilt into something we can all be proud of today.

Thank you,
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