*Disclaimer: This is my first build so any help and encouragement is welcome*
So it all started a while ago when I decided I was going to play all of the *official* Legend of Zelda games (I say official because I'm not too intrigued with the CDI Zelda games). Emulating the early games was definitely an option, but although I have quite a beefy computer, it wouldn't be the same to emulate later ones (such as Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and so on). Having to find time to sit down at home to play is also rather difficult for me, seeing as when I am at home there is usually work to be done. But being able to play in a car in trips (I travel quite frequently) or between classes or even right before bed while visiting friends or family was exactly what I was looking for.
It was around this time that I found Shank's YouTube channel and instantly became fascinated - and quite honestly - obsessed with the idea of making a portable Wii. It was exactly what I was looking for. With the ability to emulate most previous consoles while simultaneously natively running GameCube and Wii games, a portable was perfect - exactly what I was looking for. I began scouring the BitBuilt forums looking for the portable I would build.
And that's when I found what would become my new child.
So without further ado, some pictures for my Ashida worklog:
The 3D printed shell alongside the recently letterbombed Wii.
There's still quite a bit to be trimmed down before it's going to fit in there.
It's a pretty good print but as you can see there's a lot of work to be done to get those print lines out of there.
4Layer Santa came
I'm thinking of maybe trying to retroactively put fit in the IR sensors on either side of the screen if it's possible.. but that's not necessarily a priority. Also, I do plan on painting the shell to more closely match the original indigo of official GameCube controllers, but since this purple was the closest thing I could find I figured it would be the best option so if any of the inside is somehow visible it won't stick out too much.
YouTube Trailer:
Check out the official thread here*: 4Layer products sold here†:
*all parts I purchased were recommended in the Ashida BOM from the thread
†this worklog is in no way sponsored by 4Layer, I just figured I would put the link because of the awesome job they do. I did not nor expect to receive any compensation from 4Layer.
Special thanks to @Wesk for all the time, work, and effort dedicated to this design!
Special shoutout to @Shank for opening my eyes and introducing me to the portablizing world