wii build

  1. ToxicBananaFish

    Solved Battery supposedly always at 1%, need help

    So I've been working on building a G-Wii for a while now. I just got bluetooth working, but I haven't wired up any of the gamecube controls yet. Anyways, I need help understanding why RVLoader Always thinks the battery's at 1%. It also says that the current reads to be around "-2060mA", which...
  2. CosmicRazberry

    Worklog First Portable - Midnight Seafoam Ashida

    Hey all! First thing I want to do is thank everyone for all their designs, guides, tear downs, and willingness to answer questions. Pretty amazing community you have all built. Special thanks to the 4LayerTech peeps Shank, Aurelio, and G-man, Wesk for the Ashida design, and GingerOfOz for hours...
  3. Chickacruh

    Worklog Wii Classic Edition

    Recently I saw Project Short Stack by Loopj and I really love how cute having a little console is. I considered making one myself, but doing so would require an OMEGA trim which is beyond my capabilities, at least at the moment. Enough time has passed since my spectacular failure with the...
  4. Question Need Trimmed Wii Help

    I am new to the modding game and I need some help. I trimmed the Wii, transferred the u10, got the voltages where they should be, and video output (just composite) wired up. I can’t get the thing to boot. I did test it before hand and the Wii would only boot with the Bluetooth plugged in. So I...
  5. yoblast29

    Worklog black ashida, a beginning ...

    Okay, after more than a year, I can finally start working on a wii portable. I found out about bitbuilt last summer and was shocked to discover what some people could do with my childhood console. first time I opened bitbuilt, I found the ultrawii sakura of @YveltalGriffin and wanted to do my...
  6. Discussion Turning RP2040 Zero into a GameCube Controller

    Hello BitBuilt community, I'm thrilled to share a project that I've been working on recently. I've successfully transformed the RP2040 Zero into a functional GameCube controller. Building upon the foundations of the pico-rectangle project, I've taken it a step further by crafting a...
  7. Worklog Opaque Blue Noldendo

    Hi, I'm still working on gathering components and finalizing details, but here are the consumables I've gathered so far ... The case is currently printed in gray PLA. However, I have an unopened spool of blue ASA, a full metal throat for my Ender 3 that has not yet been installed, and a 3D...
  8. birbpal

    Question Should i make my portable emulated or let it have a real motherboard.

    Basically this is the design i'm going to. The part that really made me think if i should use emulated or not are the controllers, i want them to be like the nintendo switches. That means you could deattach them and I was also thinking of trying to make a dock, just in case i want to play on a...
  9. WillF

    Question Any extra G Boy Shoulder Button PCBs?

    Does anybody by any chance have any spare G Boy Rev 3 or 4 Shoulder Button PCBs they’re willing to sell to me?
  10. ToxicBananaFish

    How should I trim my Wii in order to keep video, sensor bar, and Gamecube controller ports?

    I want to build a laptop that uses external controllers, but I want the ability to also plug it into a TV with a sensor bar as well. I plan on using RVL-PMS-2 if/when it's back in stock, but I'd like to know where exactly I should trim the board to keep all the ports except for the SD slot. I...
  11. Cap’nPhineas

    Solved Portable feature implementation

    I am going to be starting work on my first portable soon and I want to know how to A. Be able to connect to a TV and B. Get full WiiMote compatibility preferably without an external sensor bar.
  12. Gingeysnep

    Wii portable discussion

    Hey guys I’m 18 and currently in the process of deciding the design I want to go for, (don’t fret, my uncle is helping me build it and has experience with modding). I have a few questions, firstly being, is it possible to grab all the components from a switch and use that. In other words can I...
  13. MrNicolaZenk

    Looking for G-Boy rev3

    Hello everyone. I'm looking for a G-Boy rev3. I would pay up to $1000. If someone wants to get rid of one, you can contact me. Thanks ;)
  14. 99Kap

    Worklog 99Kap's Wii Portable

    I've begun work on my Wii portable and its a very intimidating project. My electronics Knowledge and experience is very limited (the craziest thing i've fixed is a coffee pot cable). My sights aren't set too high and I'm not in any rush as i expect this will take several months especially since...
  15. Topper348

    Worklog Topper's Ashida Build

    Hello, I've found this website to be very interesting and I enjoy all the ideas and ingenuity, so I decided to post a worklog of my Ashida build to share yet another build and, of course, have the ability to ask questions and get advice from the more experienced people here. I first saw the...
  16. JT_1401

    Discussion Retro Wii

    Have you ever decided that the G-Boy and stock Wii consoles are inherently flawed by modern technology? I sure do that is why I have set out to create a Wii that uses several iconic storage mediums. First, the Wii shall use a 1 TB hard drive and a rare 2.88 MB floppy drive. Second, the Wii will...
  17. Worklog My first wii portable

    So, this is my first wii portable, and I want to document the entire progress. I've relocated the u10 and bluetooth, and in a couple of hours, the dremel I ordered should arrive. I also ordered 4 PTH08080's from China, I should only need 3 though because I am planning to use a powerbank circuit...
  18. cy

    My Flashy New G-Wii Rev 2

    After almost 6 months(thanks noah), I've finished my first non-kit portable, a G-Wii Rev 2! It features the brand new RVL PMS 2 from 4layertech.com! The new PMS features allow me to view my exact battery percentage in RVLoader and also allows me to see my battery life in-game by pressing...
  19. CakeB0ss

    Worklog BardRights's First Portable Build (Tomii)

    Hello! My name is BardRights AKA CakeB0ss AKA Thomas and I'm starting my first portable build in the next few days. After years of passing research and a couple of half-assed attempts, I'm finally ready to begin working on portablizing a Wii. I hope this will be a really fun project to learn a...
  20. WillF

    Question [Not modified yet] Wii not working Black screen

    Here’s a Wii I will be using to make the G Boy Wii portable. I just bought this on eBay and the seller said that the system has a broken disc drive but works and boots into the menu. But when I power it on it only shows a black screen. I tried using a different composite and component cable, I...